Wednesday, April 10, 2013

#CILDC : SharePoint & WordPress: What's in it for Faculty and Staff?

Patrick Nunez Rauber
The current century is definitely about the interface.
Why do we use SharePoint?
Why use a librarian to help ingest files into SharePoint?
- indioscynctic naming conventions and other area that a librarian can assist with.  Making content more findable.

SharePoint for haters!
Your hard drives are a good window into the way you have been doing your work.
If you are doing something in a spreadsheet or word document, SharePoint can help you share that information.  You can stop reinventing the wheel.  A way to work with people outside your immediate area.  You reduce  work redundancies.

Understands the anxiety around SharePoint, because of its complexity and different versions.  Assess the need.  What is the incentive from their point of view.  What will get them to change?  What will make them more collaborative?

Recommends the Dux Sy book on SharePoint

For some, SharePoint is an imposed platform.
Be ready to make cheat-sheets for your users.

Possible uses - 
- Public - track virtual reference, create knowledge bases
- Academic - colleges are beginning to migrate entir sites
- Government - document repository, collaboration tool
- Corporate - storage for technical documentation, cross-team communication.  Good or cross-team training.

- meeting agendas
- annual reviews
- outreach
- sharing one file that exists in one place 

Implementation -
- SharePoint stakeholders intake form
- training 
- link to SharePoint videos
- cheat sheets
- reward people who contribute to SharePoint and use it
- stay positive
- use metadata to make the content more findable - "The Accidental Taxomist"

Michele Mizejewski - staying in the loop for positive user experience
Wordpress as a tool for keeping staff up-to-date and will drive toward a better user experience.   A semi-private site.
Silos are the enemy of good user experience
Don't seem uninformed of disengaged - you need to stay up to date and staff meetings are not the best way if doing this.   In addition, everyone is drowning in email.

Staff blog - off the shelf - where updates and info can be posted
- staff can add posts using the blog's front end

Wordpress with a dash of Shibboleth
- log-in with UCSF authentication 
- automatically mobile friendly
- RSS 
- P2 theme - modeled after a twitter interface, without the character limit
--- realtime communication
--- can be conversational
--- allows commenting, polls, and more

The dream - Non hierarchical sharing
The reality - stuck in a information behavior rut.  Posts by the usual suspects and perhaps too formal.  Alienation and disinterest.
Staff need to feel a need to keep up and share.
Of 31 respondents to a survey, 19 have posted or commented.  Out of 60+ staff members.

You need to have the right incentives and framing in order to get people to change.

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