Saturday, January 31, 2009

Event: Preliminary announcement for iPRES2009

iPres is returning to the U.S. this year. See the annoucement below, which is circulating on many discussion lists.

The California Digital Library (CDL) is pleased to host iPRES2009 in San Francisco, October 5-6, 2009 at the Mission Bay Conference Center. There will be a formal call for papers soon.

iPRES2009 will be the sixth in the series of annual international conferences that bring together researchers and practitioners from around the world to explore the latest trends, innovations, and practices in preserving our scientific and cultural heritage.

The promise of digital preservation will be realized when it is truly integrated into the mainstream of digital scholarship, culture and commerce. iPRES2009 will continue the discussion of creating our digital future.

We will be posting updated information at the conference website:

Watch this space for the call for papers and other announcements, and contact with any questions. Please plan on joining us in October.

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Friday, January 30, 2009

Article: Going to Meet Its Public

National Museum of the American IndianQuoting....
Even with three locations in its empire, the National Museum of the American Indian can display barely 1 percent of its 800,000 objects. To help close that gap, the museum has decided to set up a digital showcase.
The NMAI is embarking on a project to digitize its entire collection; a project that will take four years. According to the article, this project will result in what is being called the Fourth Museum.

100_0323The NMAI has a wonderful collection and good supporters. Both are important as it undertakes this effort. And even though many people will never visit any of their physical locations, let's hope that the Fourth Museum does draw more visitors through their doors. I suspect nothing can replace actually seeing the museum in Washington, D.C. in person.

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

More information on the Google Book Settlement and how to opt out

In an email message today, Nancy Dolan, Project Manager from Kinsella/Novak Communications, LLC (court-approved Notice Provider), said:
The process of notifying authors and publishers about the settlement has begun. If you would like to update your readers with the court-approved Notice, which summarizes the settlement, important terms, claims process, and key dates, it is available at Rightsholders may now claim their works at
It is interesting that they searched the Internet to find mentions of the settlement, so they could contact those of us who had written about it. I wonder if they stopped to see what we really had written?

Related posts:

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Book: Digitizing Collections: Strategic Issues for the Information Manager

For several years, I have used the book that Maxine Sitts edited for the graduate course I teach in Creating, Managing and Preserving Digital Assets:
Sitts, Maxine K. (editor). Handbook for Digital Projects: A Management Tool for Preservation and Access. Andover, MA: Northeast Document Conservation Center, 2000. This book is available online (only) at (corrected URL)
This year, I decided to add another textbook:
Hughes, Lorna. Digitizing Collections: Strategic Issues for the Information Manager. New York: Neal Schuman, 2004. ISBN: 9781856044660.
I have been pleased with the Handbook for Digital Projects, but felt that it was time to add a newer text. Digitizing Collections is a nice complement to Handbook for Digital Projects. Both cover some of the same topics, but also cover different areas too. For example, Digitizing Collections covers the digitization of audio and video, which is not covered in the Handbook for Digital Projects. Meanwhile, the Handbook for Digital Projects contains a section on digital longevity, which is not covered in Digitizing Collections. Yes, there are other differences...which is why I'm glad that I'm using both (as well as myriad of other readings)!

Digitizing Collections is divided into two parts: Strategic decision making and Digitizing collections. While I might not have ordered the chapters in the same way, it works for Hughes and for readers of the text. (For example, I think project funding should be covered before Chapter 6.) The text is very readable. Hughes does a wonderful job pulling information together and presenting the topics in a way that will make sense to anyone. However, as Melissa Terras wrote in her review,"There is little that is remarkably new here", but that is okay.

By the way, the book does include a 14-page bibliography, which many will find useful.

Digitizing Collections was published in the U.K. The language is mostly American English, but there are places were I see British English, as if the conversion from one to the other was not done completely. To me, this is a minor flaw and perhaps something that will be fixed in the next edition.

Bottom line - this books gets a thumbs up!

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My top seven presentation tips

I've been planning this post for a while and a conversation this morning made me realize that I should do this now.

How to give a good presentation is something that you learn by doing, learn by watching others, and learn from feedback. I found that I am constantly learning more about giving presentations and that as I learn more, my style changes (and hopefully improves). And while people may look at my presentations and be in awe, I am in awe of many of the presenters that I see.

At some point, we all have to give a presentation, whether it is to staff on a project proposal, to grant funding agencies on why our project is the most worthy, or to colleagues on what we've accomplished. How we give the presentation, as well as the content, can be very important. It is not just the words, but how we say them.

With that in mind, here are my seven top presentation tips:
  1. Use language that your entire audience will understand. Take out the jargon and the acronyms. If you need to use jargon, explain it.
  2. Tell stories to illustrate your points. Stories are very powerful tools.
  3. If you are using PowerPoint, try to limit the number of slides as well as the number of words per slide. (See the 10-20-30 Rule of PowerPoint below). Larry Lessig, for example, uses PowerPoint masterfully because he understands the minimalist approach to his slides.
  4. Realize that you cannot cover the entire world in 30 or 60 minutes. Craig Valentine suggests that you can thoroughly cover one major point in 10 minutes. If you try to cover too much in too short a period of time, you will lose your audience.
  5. Don't memorize everything you are going to say. Yes, do practice your presentation several times (and out loud) and make notes to remind you of what you intend to say, but a memorized speech can sound memorized rather than natural. By the way, Aaron Schmidt suggests that you spend time learning additional information about your topic, rather than excessively practicing your presentation. That will help you feel confident about the topic and give you additional information for the Q&A.
  6. Make a connection with the audience. Look at them. Smile. Talk to them. Engage them. When you do this, they will give you feedback (visual and oral) that will help you know that you are reaching them and getting your point across.
  7. Be comfortable. If you aren't comfortable, you may not be in the right mood to get your point across. For me, this means double-checking what I have on and make sure I look fine (no food on my jacket!), as well as putting on lotion and lip balm. You may laugh, but it works for me!

If you have tips that you would like to share, please leave them as a comment.

Additional Resources:

02/15/2021: Some of these resources below are not longer available on their original websites, but may be available through the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, if you want to track them down.  I've noted where I've updated URLs.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Event: DRAMBORA Auditors Training Course

From the Digital-Preservation discussion list.

Digital Curation Centre (DCC) and DigitalPreservationEurope (DPE)
DRAMBORA Auditors Training Course
Birkbeck College London, UK

Course overview
Based on practical research and developed jointly by the Digital Curation Centre (DCC)and DigitalPreservationEurope (DPE), the Digital Repository Audit Method Based on Risk Assessment (DRAMBORA) provides a methodology for self-assessment of digital preservation repositories. The toolkit (, has been evaluated and applied across a diverse range of organisations, such as national libraries, scientific data centres and archives. DPE is organising a series of training courses to train new DRAMBORA auditors. The second of these will be held at Birkbeck College in London, in February 2009.

Duration of the course
Three days, from Monday 9th to Wednesday 11th February 2009. The on-site training will be followed by students' individual work on a test assessment using the DRAMBORA toolkit.

Number of participants
The maximum number of course participants is 10.

Benefits of attendance
This course will enable attendees to:
  • Comprehend the concept of risk with regards to digital preservation repositories
  • Recognise the need for evidence-based evaluation for building trust in digital repositories
  • Understand how the DRAMBORA toolkit can be used to help design and develop systems and workflows that can help build trusted digital repositories
  • Obtain skills needed to undertake a thorough assessment of digital repositories using DRAMBORA toolkit
  • Appreciate the range of staff and skill-sets required to implement and sustain a trusted digital repository
  • Obtain a working knowledge of the issues surrounding assessment, audit and certification of digital preservation repositories.
Course modules:
Day 1: Key concepts in assessment of digital preservation repositories Day 2: Introduction to the DRAMBORA method and toolkit Using DRAMBORA Interactive in practice Day 3: Preparing the test assessment using DRAMBORA Setting up a DRAMBORA assessment - practical guidance

(See the full programme at the end of this message)

February 28th: Test audit
March 15th: Feedback on test audit

Target audience and requirements:
This course is aimed for 10 practitioners actively involved in funding, supporting, developing, implementing, and/or managing digital preservation repositories and interested in the assessment of digital repositories. The course will also be of value to auditors and risk managers from archives, libraries and museums sector, as well as other institutions such as data archives, government departments, legal and commercial sectors.

A mixture of lectures and practical activities will be offered with the main focus on hands-on group training. Subsequent to the course, students are required to complete a test audit using materials provided during the course. The audit results will be assessed and validated by the tutors and individual feedback given to each student via e-mail. Online support will be provided during the test audit period.

The DRAMBORA auditors training course will be conducted as a small, hands-on group training since it requires a higher concentration of practical activities and thus benefits from a smaller number of participants. The course will include:

. Hands-on structured practical exercises working alongside the trainers; . Case-based learning how to use the DRAMBORA toolkit by applying specific

Participants will be provided with access to online course materials relating to the topics that will be discussed both prior to and following the training event.

The course trainers will be DPE and DCC experts, who authored the DRAMBORA toolkit, have deep inside knowledge of other repository audit and certification tools and have experience in applying them in practice:
Perla Innocenti, HATII at the University of Glasgow Andrew McHugh, HATII at the University of Glasgow Raivo Ruusalepp, National Archives of Netherlands

Course fees:
The course fee is 200 GBP for DCC and DPE members and associated members, and 250 GBP for all other participants. The fee covers the cost of coffee-breaks, lunches and course materials for each participant.

The DCC and DPE aim to provide a series of courses which will develop the knowledge and skills of core communities, promote the importance of digital curation and preservation and educate in the ways that DCC and DPE methods and tools can help to resolve these issues. The programme does not aim to make a financial profit through following this responsibility. However, the DCC and DPE recognise that to cover nominal costs and to ensure attendance from those registered for the event, a small charge for courses will be necessary.

To learn how to become a DPE associated member (at no charge) please go to: To learn more about becoming a DCC Associate Network member, please go to

Register for this event using our online form at There are a maximum of 10 places available on this course.

The training will take place at Birbeck College, London (

How to get there:
View travel information for Birbeck College at

If you have any further queries or require additional information, please contact either:

Perla Innocenti
Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute (HATII) University of Glasgow
11 University Gardens
Glasgow G12 8QJ
Scotland, UK


Raivo Ruusalepp
Nationaal Archief
2595 LK, Den Haag

Detailed Course programme:

Day 1 (Monday 9th February):
Key concepts in assessment of digital preservation repositories

9.00 - 9.30 Registration and coffee
9.30-10.00 Welcome and introduction of trainers and participants 10.00-11.30 Session 1: Introduction - the landscape of assessment criteria for digital preservation repositories
11.30-11.45 Coffee
11.45-13.00 Session 2: The concepts of risk and risk management in digital preservation 13.00-14.00 Lunch 14.00-15.30 Session 3: Walkthrough of the 10 core principles of a trustworthy digital preservation repository: examples from real life (I)
15.30-15.45 Coffee
15.45-17.00 Session 4: Walkthrough of the 10 core principles of a trustworthy digital preservation repository: examples from real life (II) 17.00-17.30 Discussion and wrap up

Day 2 (Tuesday 10th February):
Introduction to the DRAMBORA method and toolkit

9.00 - 9.15 Coffee
9.15-10.30 Session 5: The DRAMBORA methodology and workflow 10.30-11.30 Session 6: Using the DRAMBORA Interactive toolkit - practical introduction
11.30-11.45 Coffee
11.45-13.00 Session 7: Using the DRAMBORA interactive - demonstration and hands on session 13.00-14.00 Lunch 14.00-15.30 Session 8: Using the DRAMBORA interactive - hands on session
15.30-15.45 Coffee
15.45-17.00 Session 9: Using the DRAMBORA interactive - hands on session 17.00-17.30 Discussion and wrap up

Day 3 (Wednesday 11th February):
Conducting DRAMBORA assessments

9.00 - 9.15 Coffee
9.15-10.00 Session 10: Introduction to the test assessment 10.00-11.30 Session 11: Practical hints for auditors
11.30-11.45 Coffee
11.45-13.00 Session 12: Role-play: practicing the assessment and interviewing techniques 13.00-14.00 Lunch 14.00-15.30 Session 13: Discussion of benefits of using DRAMBORA 15.30-16.00 Closing of the training course

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Event: DCC Digital Curation 101 Workshop

From the Digital-Preservation discussion list.
DCC Digital Curation 101 Workshop
10-12 March 2009

The majority of scientific research is carried out through short-term, funded projects. Accordingly, principle investigators and researchers must constantly be on the lookout for new funding opportunities to continue their research activity. This, coupled with often limited staffing resources, has meant that data management and curation activities have not generally been given a high priority within research projects. However, research councils and funding bodies are becoming increasingly aware of the value of sharing and reusing data and now require evidence of adequate and appropriate provisions for data management and curation in new grant funding applications.

To assist researchers in developing sound data management and curation plans, we developed this workshop to provide an introduction to digital curation and the range of activities that should be considered when planning and implementing new projects.

About the Course
Using our DCC Curation Lifecycle Model [PDF] as a reference point, this three-day course will employ a mixture of lectures and practical exercises to equip participants with both a theoretical underpinning of core digital curation issues as well as hands-on experience in applying the lessons learned.

Benefits of Participation
Upon completing this workshop participants will gain an understanding of the range and nature of data management and curation activities that should be considered when planning new research projects, and will be better equipped to develop and implement sound data management and curation plans for future research funding bids.

Target Audience
The target audience for this workshop is researchers with funding body data management and curation mandates to fulfil and information management specialists. A key goal is the integration of these communities of practice to share their experiences and to identify where, when and how they could best cooperate to meet data curation challenges.

Please note: This course aims to introduce participants to the range of activities and stakeholders that should be considered for active data curation - from conceptualisation of research projects through to access and reuse of data generated. If you are more interested in learning about organisational and technological issues with regards to digital preservation, we highly recommend the Digital Preservation Training Programme (DPTP) which will be running from February 23-25th 2009 in London.

It is targeted to managers in institutions who are grappling with fundamental digital preservation issues. More details can be found at

This course is being offered free of charge as a pilot. Places are limited to 20 participants.

To register, please go to

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day #1 of a new era (and thinking about technology)

The iSchool watches the inaugurationYesterday I watched the inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama with a roomful of people on the Syracuse University campus. Yesterday was momentous on many levels and I'm glad that so many people stopped to watch and be a part of it.

While this blog is focused on digitization, it is important to recognize how technology is being used, because it will affect us at some point. For example:
  • Thousands -- of not millions -- of digital photos were taken yesterday. How many of those should be preserved and how?
  • Cell phone companies encouraged people to text message rather than making phone calls while in the D.C. area, because voice is more of a burden on the network. I suspect that some of the text messages might be worth saving, but how?
  • Lots of information was posted on web sites yesterday. Can it be archived? By the way, some people did take screenshots of the White House web site before and after it changed yesterday. Should the be saved somewhere?
  • People posted video messages. Can they be found and archived?
  • Can the stories of why this is important to people -- yes, all of those personal stories -- be captured and stored for prosperity? Some of these are already on video (news reports), but many others have not been captured.
We know how to save the paper records of yesterday, but not the digital records. And it is the digital records of yesterday that really capture what it mean to us. The raw emotions were Twittered, Facebooked, Flickred, etc., and we don't really know how to deal with them.

This is a new era and there are things we need to learn.

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Digitization related videos in YouTube

JISC has launched a channel in YouTube called JISCmedia. According to JISC, this channel will "showcase short videos on the digital collections that will be going live between now and Spring 2009 funded under the JISC Digitisation Programme." There are 17 videos up thus far and they contain a lot of variety, like this one below.

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Event: Two-day NEDCC workshop in New York City

This has been posted on several discussion lists.

THE NORTHEAST DOCUMENT CONSERVATION CENTER is pleased to present a two-day workshop focusing on sustaining digital collections, hosted by The Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO).

WHEN: Tuesday, March 24 and Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days

HOST: METRO Training Center; 57 E. 11th St. 4th Floor; NY, NY 10003

REGISTRATION INFORMATION: Early registration is strongly recommended. Registration will close at 5 pm on February 27, 2009.

COST: $300 institutional members; $250 myMETRO members; $400 nonmembers

WORKSHOP TOPICS include Setting Priorities, Tools for Preserving Digital Objects, and Digital Preservation Policy Development.

THROUGH A COMBINATION OF LECTURE AND INTERACTIVE SESSIONS you will learn from a faculty of four digital experts about the long-term needs of the digital assets that exist in your institution, and how to plan for their preservation.

THIS COURSE IS BEST SUITED FOR participants with existing digital collections and prior digitization experience. Participation by multiple employees from the same institution is encouraged.


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Monday, January 19, 2009

Martin Luther King Jr. and the "I have a dream speech"

Today, CNN aired the entire 17 minute "I have a dream speech" as it was given by Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. in August 1963. This was a big deal because the speech was copyrighted and is rarely broadcast in its entirety. After the broadcast, one of the men who had input into the speech's content was interviewed. He -- whose name I cannot now find -- was an associate of Dr. King and a civil rights attorney. It is he who had a copyright symbol placed on the copies of the speech that were distributed to the press in 1963 and he who launched the first defense (in 1963) of the speech's copyright. He knows that there has been controversy about the speech not being in the public domain.

Of course, he and the King family cannot stop the speech from being heard and seen. A video of the speech -- in its entirety -- is on YouTube. Since the video is linked from the Martin Luther King Jr. Research and Education Institute at Stanford University, we might assume that the video is legal. However, given that the copyright has been strictly enforced and that CNN likely paid in order to air the speech today, I would also tend to argue that the video on YouTube infringes on copyright. Unfortunately, I don't know which is right! Nor -- for the moment -- do I care. This is a speech that should be heard in its entirety because it contains more than just the famous section on King's dream. It was noted today that Barack Obama referenced specific sections of the "dream" speech in some of his own speeches, yet you would not know that if you hadn't heard the whole thing.

As I reflect on the speech and today, I remember that 1963 was an important year in civil rights in the U.S. and the beginning of unrest in our culture. In November 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. In 1965, Malcolm X was killed. In 1968, both Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert Kennedy were killed. I remember the race riots of that era. Out of that turmoil, progress was made. It was slow coming, but it did come. Has King's dream been realized? Yes and no. But we must all admit that the inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama demonstrations that we have come a long way since 1963!

Related posts:

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Reminder - Orphan Works Survey (closes on Jan. 16)

Stuart Dempster is asking for more people to complete this survey (below). Note that the survey will close on January 16 (tomorrow).

Reminder - Orphan Works Survey

Many thanks to the 456 organisations (as of 14/01/09) who have already responded to the Collections Trust and Strategic Content Alliance survey on orphan works.

The survey aims to assess the impact of 'orphan works' (works for which the copyright owner is unknown or cannot be traced) on the delivery of services to library, archive, museum and information service users in the UK and Europe.

The closing date for completion of the survey is Friday 16th January 2009, so there is still plenty of time to get involved. The questionnaire is available at:

We are pleased to announce a second prize draw for £100 (or the equivalent in Euros) for all those taking part in the survey. Congratulations to the Scottish Fisheries Museum in Fife, who won the first draw which took place before Christmas.

This research, the first of its kind throughout the UK and Europe, represents a real opportunity for cultural organisations to make their voices heard and contribute to positive action to increase access to public sector content.

To complete the survey, please follow the link below (or copy it into your web browser).

Please also pass the details on to anyone else you know who may be interested in taking part.

Stuart Dempster
Strategic Content Alliance

Nick Poole
Chief Executive
Collections Trust

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Resource List: Public/Private Mass Digitization Agreements

Thanks to DigitalKoans for finding this resource produced by OCLC. As the site says:
This is a selection of materials about mass digitization, public/private partnerships and the agreements that govern them, and matters of policy and other related topics.
And what a collection it is! Below are the heading/areas covered. OCLC wants this to be a growing collection, so the site contains a way for people to send in suggestions.
  • Google Agreements
  • Google Library Partnerships—Commentary
  • Google Book Search Settlement
  • Google Book Search Settlement—Commentary
  • NARA Partnerships and Related Commentary
  • Smithsonian Partnerships and Related Commentary
  • Other Types of Digitization Arrangements
  • Policy
  • Related Commentary
  • Related Resources

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Found on the Digital-Preservation discussion list.

The Foundation Rinascimento Digitale, the Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities, the Library of Congress

are delighted to announce the workshop:


TUTORIAL: 5 February 2009 – Civita, Piazza Venezia

ROUND TABLE: 6 February 2009 – Palazzina dell’Auditorium - Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei

Via della Lungara n. 230

Rome - Italy

The workshop aims at developing and spreading awareness and knowledge about metadata to support the long term preservation of digital objects, in particular it focuses on the PREMIS standard, which is managed by the PREMIS Editorial Committee in conjunction with the Library of Congress.

The event is divided in two parts: a Tutorial and a Round Table

- On the 5th of February 2009 at the Tutorial Rebecca Guenther introduces PREMIS development and the PREMIS semantic units and gives an overview of current approaches for implementation.

- On the 6th of February 2009 the Round Table evaluates the relationships of the PREMIS standard with other metadata standards for digital archives with a specific attention at the cultural heritage Italian community. Participants will be invited to share their experiences and should be planning for or operating a repository that implements PREMIS in some way for its preservation metadata. It will be also an opportunity to meet some important European preservation projects, such as: DPE, CASPAR, PLANETS. The event will close with a participatory discussion session.

Registration for the Tutorial and Round Table is mandatory because seats are limited.


Tutorial Registration:

Round Table Registration:

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Monday, January 12, 2009

Event: Stewardship of Digital Assets, Mar. 24 - 25, 2009

From Digistates....

Stewardship of Digital Assets

A Two-Day Workshop on Sustaining Digital Collections

Where: Metropolitan New York Library Council; 57 E 11th Street; NY, NY 10003

When: March 24-25, 2009

Fee: $300 institutional members; $250 myMETRO members; $400 non-members Register here: (registration will close at 5pm on February 27, 2009)

Workshop topics to include:

Through a combination of lecture and interactive sessions you will learn from a faculty of four digital experts about the long-term needs of the digital assets that exist in your institution, and how to plan for their preservation. The workshop provides examples from model digital preservation plans and includes case studies from established digital preservation programs. Faculty members work directly with attendees to assist in developing their plans.

This course is best suited for participants with existing digital collections and prior digitization experience. Participation by multiple employees from the same institution is encouraged.

Workshop Faculty
  • Liz Bishoff, Director of Digital and Preservation Services for BCR in Aurora, Colorado
  • Tom Clareson, Program Director for New Initiatives at PALINET
  • Katherine Skinner, Digital Projects Librarian at the Emory University Libraries
  • Tyler O. Walters, Associate Director, Technology and Resource Services at Georgia Institute of Technology Library and Information Center
For questions or help with registration please contact Aleksi Merilainen at 212-228-2320 x19 or

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Thursday, January 08, 2009

Event: Strategies for Multimedia Archives

This one-day event sounds interesting because it is dealing with a topic many are avoiding.

Strategies for Multimedia Archives
Ghent (Belgium), February 6th 2009

Cultural, heritage and media institutions face a number of challenges when moving even a part of their collection and archival management into the digital age. by focusing on four specific questions that newly developing multimedia archives are faced with: how do you position yourself to the need for funding; how is context created and maintained in the multidisciplinary digital archive; what audience do you aim to reach and how do you reach them; and what distribution models can you use? The answers to these questions are manifold, and become increasingly complex in light of growing intersectoral cooperation.

The conference 'Strategies for Multimedia Archives' aims to contribute to the international discourse on the impact of 'going digital'. It brings together international speakers with experience in different fields, so as to further discussions and provide food for thought for organisations planning to take the step into digital. The different themes of the conference feature collectively in the morning plenary, after which four parallel sessions each focus on one of the four central issues at hand. Ample time is allotted in these sessions for questions and discussion with the audience.

This conference is organised as part of the research project 'Preservation and Access of Multimedia Data in Flanders' (BOM-vl), sponsored by the Flemish government.


10.00h - 10.15h welcome and opening
10.15h - 12.30h: plenary session
14.00h - 17.00h: parallel sessions
Session 1: How do digitising organisations approach the need for funding?
Session 2: How is context generated and maintained in interdisciplinary digital archives? Session 3: How do you make sure your audience finds and uses your material? Session 4: What business models can be used for the distribution of the digital content?
17.00h: closing drink


Max Benoit (INA), Mel Collier (Kuleuven), Kurt Deggeller (Memoriav), Jos de Haan (Sociaal Planbureau), Nathalie Doury (Paris en Images), Eerde Hovinga (Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid), Cees Klapwijk (Digitale Bibliotheek der Nederlandse Letteren), Bert Looper (Tresoar), Bridget McKenzie (Flow Associates), Dale Peters (State and University Library of Goettingen), Thomas Sewing (ZDF), Graham Turnbull, (RCAHMS/SCRAN), Jeff Ubois (Intelligent Television), Phillippe Van Meerbeeck (VRT), Tine van Nierop (consultant).

Target Audience

The conference is intended especially for those active in the fields of digital archiving and digital collection building and management, and those planning to take steps in this direction. Talks will be in English.


Date: Friday February 6th, 2009
Location: Conferencerooms 'De Zebrastraat' - Zebrastraat 32/001, B9000 Ghent (Belgium) Registration fee: 60,- Eur (incl. conference papers, lunch, coffee-breaks and closing drink) Registration via website only:

For further information, please check the conference website.

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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Blog post: When is a published work not a publication?

When Peter Hirtle speaks, I listen. And the title of this blog post really got me curious - When is a published work not a publication? It is easy to find the crux of the matter:
...a book that has only been published abroad isn't really published for the purpose of US copyright law.
However, the implications require more thought and work. Programs that are digitizing works that might have been published abroad will need to be more diligent in determining if the work is in the public domain. The copyright status may be muddled (my word), especially if the work had its copyright status restored.

Hirtle provides a good summary of this issue, including the implications as he sees them. He also points to additional resources on this topic.

Finally, if you are trying to digitize materials that are clearly in the public domain, you may want to use an earlier cut off date than 1923 like perhaps 1868. Using Hirtle's logic, life plus 70 means that the person died in 1939. If you assume that the person lived to be 90 and that the person published his/her work at the age of 20, then works published before 1868 would be in the public domain.

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Monday, January 05, 2009

Jill's January & February schedule

Beach near Jacksonville, FLI have two social networking speaking engagements this month and five digitization-related workshops in February. It would be a pleasure to see you at one of them!
  • Jan. 9, 7:30 a.m., Professional Consultants Association of CNY, Social Networking & The Independent Consultant, Syracuse, NY
  • Jan. 23, 10:30 a.m. SMPS Southern Regional Conference, E-Networking & the Benefits of Being Hyper-Connected, Oklahoma City, OK
  • Feb. 3, 9:00 a.m. The NSLS Digitization Symposium: Perspectives and Accomplishments, Wheeling, IL -- Roy Tennant is speaking in the morning and I'm speaking in the afternoon.
  • Feb. 10, 9:30 a.m., SEFLIN, Digitization 101: Planning & Management of Digitization Projects, Lake Worth, FL
  • Feb. 11, 9:30 a.m., SEFLIN, Digitization 101: Planning & Management of Digitization Projects, Miami Gardens, FL
  • Feb. 13, 9:00 a.m., SWFLN, Digitization 101: Planning & Management of Digitization Projects, Fort Myers, FL
  • Feb. 26, 9:30 a.m., SCRLC, Practical Digitizing Series: Planning & Management of Digitization Project, Ithaca, NY
I have more events scheduled in 2009 (see the left column on the blog). As more are scheduled, they will get added to the calendar. For more information on any of the events on my calendar, please contact the sponsoring organization or me. And if you would me to speak at your event, please give me a shout.

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More on federated search

On Dec. 29, I wrote a blog post that listed several resources on federated search. On Dec. 30, Sol Lederman expanded on what I had pulled together, including a link to 21 presentations on the topic. So if federated search is of interest to you, be sure to check out Sol's post and look at the comments, too.

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Saturday, January 03, 2009

Sarah Long's interview of Jill Hurst-Wahl (podcast)

On Nov. 6, 2008, Sarah Long, executive director of the North Suburban Library System in Illinois, interviewed me for her podcast, Longshots. Long has many interviews cued up, so mine just when "live" on Jan. 2. It's a 17 minutes Q&A on digitization. I hope you enjoy it!

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