Monday, September 26, 2016

2016 SEFLIN Virtual Conference: Links, Citations and Other Fun Stuff from Presenters

SEFLIN Virtual Conference Logo
I am pleased that I was a part of the 6th annual virtual conference hosted by the Southeast Florida Library Network (SEFLIN) on Sept. 16, which had the theme "Embracing Innovation: Creative Disruptions in Libraries."  Over 100 locations viewed/participated in the online event, with some of the sites hosting several people (perhaps a roomful!) which means that the reach of this event was tremendous.  While the conference was recorded and those recordings will be available to those that registered for the event, anyone can access the handouts and other materials through the conference LibGuide at

As you can see my topic was "Storming Towards Innovation." The description:
Many staff meetings become informal periods for quickly generating ideas which can be acted upon. This session will provide tips, techniques and tools for creating an atmosphere where everyone can contribute effectively to spawn concepts, plans and solutions.  Creating that atmosphere means building practices which become part of the workplace.  It also means understanding the role that each person can play in ensuring that the best ideas emerge. 
If you're curious about what I covered, the slides are available here and the handout is here.  I do know that there are topics I discussed which are not on the slides and the recording also captured the questions which were asked, such as how to weed through ideas that are generated. 

I do not know if SEFLIN will ever release the recordings for general consumption.  If there is a topic that interests your organization, let's talk about how to satisfy that curiosity.

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Jill H-W interviewed - Making Space for Innovation

Vitamin K your dailt dose of positiveMy colleague, Kelvin Ringold, does a Daily Dose of Positive email (called Vitamin K) and this year expanded into doing podcasts that are informative and motivational.  Knowing my interests, Kelvin asked if he could interview me.  The result is a 39-minute podcast below on what innovation is,  how to make room for it, and tips for brainstorming and getting started being innovative.  The episode page includes links to relevant resources.  If innovation and brainstorming interest you, take a listen!