Krista Schmidt & Joel Marchesoni
Reference on call
The issues:
- Understaffed
- Over committed
- Productivity
- Workload
- Service culture and mission
Use the tablet as a large button on the reference desk - people press the button for help. A message goes out to the librarians, who can then respond.
Provides messages to the user, saying that someone is one the way.
Tablet app development
Chat service backend and client
Stumbling blocks
Gave it zero publicity. Working well. Will be ramping up.
Allowed them to have flexibility with staffing.
Some librarians have not yet bought into its use.
Could we used by the desk librarian to get help during a hectic period.
Not yet capturing enough statistics.
Daniel Mack
Documenting and assessing liaison librarian activities with free web tools and mobile apps
Assessment is increasingly important in higher education
- we need to document the positive impact of our work. For example:
--- reference and research
--- bibliographic instruction
Types of activities
- Communicate what you do
- Feedback from users
- Track data
- Productivity activities
Take a programmatic approach
Create a personal assessment program to document the impact of your work
Integrate it into the assessment program of your institution
Assess what? Four general rubrics and the types of activities to be tracked.
- Reference
- Instruction
- Collection
- Outreach
Tons of free apps.
Ask what others uses.
- communicate - Hootsuite, announce hours, programs, events
- feedback - FluidSurveys - works on a mobile device
--- use a survey as a form that people can use to make suggestions
- track - Count Thing -
- productivity -
--- Evernote
--- Dropbox
Look for blog posts on apps for librarians
Robyn Andrews
Both Sides of the Desk: iPads in an academic library
Boss bought iPads for the staff without knowing what they could be used for
They decided to loan them. Put some apps on them.
People did borrow them. Faculty were most anxious to borrow them. They traveled with them.
Now they are loaned out blank.
Loan period is two weeks with one renewal.
When they are returned, they are wiped clean.
$750 fine if harmed.
Then got more iPads and the continue to loan them.
Then the boss bought everyone an iPad. Even though they were loaning them, staff were not using them. Now need to look at them from a work productivity point of view.
Ah...MOBILE devices!
But some people didn't see the usefulness. Could learning about them be fun?
First app she recommended was Splashtop Connect, which mirrors the desktop. Remote access to the desktop.
Online Desktop - makes th iPad screen look like a pc desktop
Then email and Safari.
DestructionFest 2012 - weeding and recycling. Documented the project using her iPad, including photos. Also used the iPad as a phone.
"Consumers don't buy products. They hire them to get jobs done." - Clay Christensen
Are now doing I'LL and document delivery with the iPads.
Documenting problems for facilities
If its not with you all them time, then doesn't get used at all.