- More than 2000 people will be attending events related to Computers in Libraries this year. Although not a record, very respectable in this economy. Many first-timers and many who have been here before. I realized this morning that CIL is both an event and a family reunion. For those of us who use Twitter, etc., this is one conference were we get to catch-up face-to-face.
- The is a good Library Society of the World presence, with several of us wearing our Library Society of the World Shovers and Makers t-shirts (including me). Steve Larson has some LSW buttons that he is handing out. BTW I accepted by Shovers and Makers award last week. (BTW the LSW has definitely proven the power of web 2.0 and social networking!)
- Have already run into one current Syracuse Univ. iSchool student and one alumni. Always a pleasure to connect names with faces and to see people who haven't seen in a long time.
- And if you follow me on Twitter, you know that I ran into flight problems last night (and I wasn't the only one). Thankfully was able to take an early morning flight and get here before the conference started.
- SLA booth as a wonderful display about the history of the organization. SLA is 100 years old this year!
- Tomorrow's CIL keynote will be streamed live at http://www.infotoday.com/cil2009/
- Lee Rainer was the keynote speaker this morning and he talked about the various technology users (Internet users) by category.
- Alltop.com -- Online magazine rack
- Viewzi.com -- Visualization and clustering and meta-search. Results are shown in tiles. Can view results in many different ways.
- LexiQuo.net -- Adds lexical variants. Does lexical analysis. Will expand concepts. Does clustering in German.
- KeoTag.com -- Tag search across multiple search engines
- Carrot2.org -- Clustering on demand, with a choice of sorting algorithms.
- Microsoft Live Search -- Has a "prefer" feature. For example: hybrid car prefer convertible
- The Awesome Highlighter -- Highlights text on a page, that is then archived for you to review later.
- TextRunner Search -- Looks for "assertions". Good for answering questions.
- Google Translated Search -- Takes an English query and translates it into the language that you want. Will show you the results in both languages. Uses machine translation.
- Twitter Venn -- Shows word usage in Twitter (frequency).
- VisWiki -- Does a search of wikipedia and provides the results visually.
- Wikiroll
- WorldWideScience.org
- ReadWriteWeb -- Social media cheat sheets
- Legal Research Engines (Cornell)
- Newseum.org/TodaysFrontPage
- Wordle.net
- Google Searchwiki
- Searchme.com
- PowerSet.com
- SearchCloud.net -- in beta - can weight search results
- Get Conference Buzz -- use Technorati, Twitter, etc., to track conference info
- Google - speech to text indexing
- Google Maps Mashups
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