Digital natives born after 1980
- 1981 - first PC
- 1983 - first cell phone
- 1994 - Internet
Web 2.0 --> connect
They have always had access to the world wide web. And they understand how to engage.
Fast Company – the kid who made obama Obama used web 2.0 much more than Clinton. It turned the tide of the 2008 election.
Business Week
- Creators
- Critics
- Collectors -- many people are still into the "find"
- Joiners
- Spectators
- Inactives
- Digital Identity -- Their digital identity is ubiquitous with with real world identity. Their digital identity is how they exert themselves online.
- Digital Creativity -- The Renaissance Generation - Patricia Martin -- 93% of teenagers are online. Nearly 2/3 of online teens are content creators. Popular social networking activities -- many are around creating content.
- Digital Information Quality -- A shift from authoritative control to collaborative control, and social responsibility. Collective control with social responsiblity.
- Digital Safety -- They have grown up in a world that is preceived as being safe. We believe that there is a lot fo unsafe stuff that we must protect them from. Yet the risk is very low. Most teens ignore strangers who contact them online. (National School Board Study) However, some do break the rules that keep them safe. They are willing to take risks.
- Digital Opportunity -- There are no barriers. They playing field is leveled. The access us universal. Connection is ubiquitous. "It's all about ME."
- Digital Sharing -- They believe in copy and remix.
- Digital Privacy -- No such thing. LifeStreams
- Digital ??? -- Digital natives can trace their lives online. In Japan, people give newborns there own domain names as gifts.
- Digital Advocacy -- What you do online actually makes a difference
- MySpace
- Flixster
- Linkedin -- average age is 42 (digital pioneers)
Social graphs -- mapping our relationships. Tools for figuring out of social influence. Who knows who, and the relationships.
How do we get libraries in the mix of sharing information with friends?
Three types of users:
- Young minds --> Enhanced opporutnitie s to read and grow
- Virtual users --> Connected indigital and communities
- Power users --> Wildly enthusiastic customers
- Engagement - Customers feel connected
- Enrichment - To provide a rich online experience that enhances their daily lives
- Empower - Personalize and add value. How does it empower them to celebrate themselves.
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