The Regents Advisory Council on Libraries (RAC) continues to seek input and advice from the library, museum, archival and public broadcasting communities on a proposed new budget and legislative initiative for 2009-2010 that will be presented to the Board of Regents at their May meeting in Albany.
This new funding initiative is called “The New York Digital Collection.” The goal is to create a statewide digital collection of cultural heritage resources and a framework to promote the use of digital technologies to broaden and enhance access to New York’s approximately 10,000 local, regional, and state cultural heritage institutions, including those located in colleges, universities, and local governments.
A revised draft discussion paper dated April 10, 2008 represents the thinking to date on the "New York Digital Collection Initiative" concept. The new discussion paper is now posted on the Regents Advisory Council website. Please visit the site, read the latest version of the discussion paper and share your ideas for strengthening the proposal.
Please send all ideas, comments, suggestions and questions in writing to Jill Hurst-Wahl, Regents Advisory Council member at NYSLRAC@mail.nysed.gov by April 22. If you would like to discuss the project with her in more detail, please send a message to the NYSLRAC email address and she will contact you.
This project, under the leadership of the Regents Advisory Council on Libraries, currently is seeking full project partnership with the following groups: The State Historical Records Advisory Board (SHRAB), the Museum Association of New York (MANY), the Association of Public Broadcasting Stations of New York (ABPSNY), and the NY3RS. Additional partners are welcome.
The Regents Advisory Council on Libraries, established in 1894, advises the Board of Regents regarding library policy, works with the officers of the State Education Department in developing a comprehensive statewide library and information policy and makes recommendations to
the Regents concerning the implementation of the program. For more information on the purpose and goals of the Regents Advisory Council on Libraries, visit http://www.nysl.nysed.gov/libdev/adviscns/rac/index.html .
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