DC-2007 International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications
"Application Profiles: Theory and Practice"
27-31 August 2007, Singapore
Papers submission: 2 April 2007
Acceptance notification: 1 June 2007
Camera-ready copy due: 2 July 2007
The annual Dublin Core conferences bring together leading metadata researchers and professionals from around the world. The 2006 conference in Manzanillo, Mexico attracted 234 participants from 25 countries. DC-2007 in Singapore will be the seventh in a series of conferences previously held in Tokyo (2001), Florence (2002), Seattle (2003), Shanghai (2004), Madrid (2005), and Manzanillo, Mexico (2006).
The DC-2007 theme focuses on the theory and practice of developing application profiles. Application profiles provide the means to document the use of metadata terms within specific contexts and to combine terms from disparate namespaces. Application profiles may apply to communities of practice (e.g. cooperation projects) as well as to organizations in the public and private sectors. Emerging experience in the creation of application profiles reveals layers of complexity involved in combining terms from mixed abstract models. DC-2007 seeks to explore the conceptual and practical issues in the development and deployment of application profiles to meet the needs of specific communities of practice.
In addition to contributions focusing on the DC-2007 conference theme, papers and workshop proposals are welcome on a wide range of metadata topics, such as:
+ Accessibility
+ Business Models for Metadata
+ Conceptual Models
+ Cross-domain Processes (e.g., Recordkeeping, Preservation,
Institutional Repositories)
+ Domain Metadata (e.g., Commerce, Corporate/Enterprise,
Cultural Heritage Institutions (Museums, Libraries, and
Archives), Education, Geo-Spatial, Government, Social Spaces)
+ Metadata Generation Processes (e.g., Human, Automatic, and
+ Metadata Harvesting
+ Multilingual Issues
+ Interoperability
+ Knowledge Organization Systems (e.g., Ontologies, Taxonomies,
and Thesauri)
+ Localization and Internationalization
+ Normalization and Crosswalks
+ Quality and Evaluation
+ Registries and Registry Services
+ Search Engines and Metadata
+ Social Tagging
All paper submissions to the Conference Proceedings are peer reviewed by the International Program Committee. The Committee is soliciting paper contributions of the following two types:
-- Full Papers (8 to 10 pages). Full papers either describe innovative original work in detail or provide critical, well-referenced overviews of key developments or good practice in the areas outlined above. Full papers will be assessed using the following criteria:
- Originality of the approach to implementation
- Generalizability of the methods and results described
- Quality of the contribution to the implementation community
- Significance of the results presented
- Clarity of presentation
-- Project Reports (3 to 5 pages). Project reports describe a specific model, application, or activity in a concise,
prescribed format. Project reports will be assessed using the following criteria:
- Conciseness and completeness of technical description
- Usability of the technical description by other potential implementers
- Clarity of presentation
Paper submissions in both categories must be in English and will be published in both the print and the official electronic versions of the conference proceedings. Accepted papers must be presented in Singapore by at least one of their authors.
Workshop Proposals (1 page). Workshop proposals define the topic of a workshop session at the conference, identify
session organizers, and describe a process for inviting and reviewing contributions.
Authors wishing to submit papers or workshop proposals may do so through the DCMI Peer Review System at Author registration and links to the submission process appear under
the "Information for Authors" link.
Abdus Sattar Chaudhry, Nanyang Technological University
Stuart A. Sutton, University of Washington
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