Friday, March 31, 2006
Larry Lessig at RIT: video online
Technorati tag: Copyright
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Creating metadata in more than one language
The same problem would occur in some areas of the world where more than one language is spoken, and where neither language is more dominant.
Of course, you will immediately think about doing machine translations, but machine translation may not be accurate. Humans would do better work.
What is the impact? In some cases, this means that digitization is done in order to preserve the content, but not to provide access, since "access" means searching and searching means metadata. At the moment, there are digitization projects occurring in Japan, but most are not for access, due to the metadata problem (at least that is what I have been told). This is a problem -- and impact -- I had not considered. I'll be interested to hear how projects are overcoming it. Perhaps some solutions will come out of the projects being developed in the European Union.
4/18/2006: See a follow-up post here with updated/corrected info.
Technorati tags: Metadata, Digitization
Palinet resources on digitization
I learned last week that Tom Clareson, who has been involved in OCLC's digitization efforts, joined Palinet last fall. Clareson is now the Program Director for New Initiatives.
Technorati tag: Digitization
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
CIL2006: A final wrap-up
Someone said that this CIL had more energy. I think that might be attributed to the use of technology (the blogs, the wiki and Flickr) before and during the conference. People got jazzed and expectations were raised. Of course, after the conference, there are still more things being posted. And this is when all of us get a chance to catch up and read about the sessions we went to (in order to gain a different perspective) as well as read about those we missed.
Information Today, because it is a publisher, does an excellent job of disseminating information from the conference. Every attendee received a book of handouts from the sessions. These handouts were gathered back in January, so some will have changed (and not everyone turned in a handout), but still an excellent resource. All of the sessions were recorded, so the audio will be available for sale. And many of the PowerPoints (or whatever people used) will be on the Information Today web site. Some are already there! Add to all that the blogs and you've got a tremendous amount of information coming out of this conference. Not quite like "being there", but still very useful.
The amount of positive feedback I got on my presentation was incredible! And my session was blogged. Here are links to those posts, so you can read what people got out of my talk:
- CIL 1.2: Failing to Innovate
- Blogging Computers in Libraries 2006
- Innovation
- CIL2006 - Failing to Innovate
At the end of CIL, I think people left feeling hopeful. New technologies are being developed that will help our users (and us). Libraries are adapting in positive ways to the changes happening around them. For those in libraries that seemed to be "behind", I think people saw ways of getting their libraries to move forward. Everyone, I'm sure, left with at least one new thing to try!
Technorati tag: CIL2006
Drop the jargon
Writers of library technical blogs, your less technical [colleagues] are also trying to read your work. Please consider them in your writing. It will advance librarianship and perhaps give you more influence in your home libraries if you do.He points to the fact that many of the postings from CIL had acronyms and jargon in them, which may not be understandable to less technical librarians (e.g., FRBR).
Perhaps we should add a list of acronyms/jargon to the wiki with definitions or point to sources (glossaries) that people can use? Something to consider for next year. Imagine if every speaker contributed just a few terms from their talks...could be quite interesting and very useful.
For those of us working on technical projects in the library community, we need to keep Rick's wishes in mind. We will have no impact if our audience does not understand up. We need to talk about projects in terms that our users and our coworkers will understand.
Technorati tag: CIL2006
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
CIL2006: Digitization Project Management Essentials (deed of gift forms)
There are always more questions than time will allow. One question that emerged was about deed of gift forms. I wrote about this form in 2004 and you can read that posting here. It contains basic information as well as links to sample forms.
The Society of American Archivists guide to the deed of gift form gives good information on what can/should be included in such a document. It is written for those that might donate materials, but is still a good source of information for institutions that are receiving donations. Let me pull out some key sentences from that guide:
- The signed deed of gift establishes and governs the legal relationship between donor and repository and the legal status of the materials.
- The typical deed of gift identifies the donor, transfers legal ownership of the materials to the repository, establishes provisions for their use, specifies ownership of intellectual property rights in the materials, and indicates what the repository should do with unwanted materials.
- The deed will specify a point in time (usually upon signing the deed or upon physical transfer of the material to the repository) when the materials become the legal property of the repository.
- Unless you note to the contrary in the gift agreement, when you transfer legal ownership of your materials to the repository, you agree that the staff may make reformatting decisions.
- Ownership of intellectual property rights (primarily copyright, but including trademarks and patent rights) may also be legally transferred by the deed of gift.
- Donors are encouraged to transfer all rights they possess in and to the materials donated to the repository; this assists researchers in their scholarship by making it easier to quote from documents.
The deed of gift form can be your friend when you are receiving donations. Look at the samples that are online as well as the SAA guide. Then review your deed of gift form and see how you can make it better, so that you won't have questions in the future about what you can and cannot do with donated materials.
Technorati tag: CIL2006
CIL2006: Digitization vendors
I did talk with PTFS, which is based in the D.C. area. Two things that CEO John Yokley mentioned were "mixed raster content" and "GIS-enabled" PDFs. (I think I have those phrases correct.) I'm going to follow-up with him later this week and hope to learn more about what they are doing.
Digital Library Systems Group was demonstrating its walk-up color digitization centers, geared for academic libraries, that can be used by students, faculty and staff. A very cool looking system! From the quick demo, it did seem very easy to use. Since it is an overhead scanner, it can be used with books and other bound materials.
Northern Micrographics and NMS Imaging were also there, as were companies like Palinet that offering training and consulting. Given the sessions at CIL, I would think more vendors that provides services and software needed for digitization project would exhibit at it. Perhaps we'll see more of them next year?
Technorati tag: CIL2006
CIL2006: Is Google the next Dialog?
Dames compared Google to a database company, pointing out the similarities and differences. Generally the differences has to do with its computing power and flexibility.
He noted that where Google plays is often an indication of what direction the company is going in. Right now, Google is "playing" as a marketer, content aggregator, publisher and service provider.
Dames says that the opportunities for librarians are to be the "pro" Google, or -- in other words -- to enhance Google with our skills and capabilities. Words that stood out from that part of his presentation where classify, cluster and contextualize as well as create or co-opt services.
BTW Dames has two blogs that I follow: CopyCense and OpenWyre. And -- yes -- we're doing workshops together this spring, so I'm slightly biased when I say it was a good session! The workshop we did at CIL went well (see this posting for info).
Technorati Tag: cil2006
CIL2006: The Web 2.0 Challenges to Libraries
Miller has pointers to his actual presentation here and have follow-up content here. I would encourage you to look at his presentation because he had very good visuals (and better to look at them than for me to try to describe them).
He made a point that was also made in the session given by Andrew Pace and Roy Tennant -- we need to build "systems" that make sense to our users. We have been building systems based on what the vendors would create, not based on our needs (or those of our users).
One analogy Miller used was about Legos. When a child gets Legos, he builds the creations that are pictured on the box. Later the child builds what he envisions. We must do the same with library systems. We've gotten software "out of the box" and now need to use it to create what we really want. Perhaps that means using totally different software tools or doing a mashup.
As for Talis, a recent press release says, "Talis unveils new technology platform and new business model for Union Catalogues, Resource Discovery and Resource Sharing." From what Paul Miller said, Talis is creating a platform that will allow for interoperability and sharing between systems (getting us away from the silo mentality we have now).
BTW Paul Miller has a blog as does Talis. They might be worth adding to your blog reader.
Technorati Tag: cil2006
CIL2006: Moving across the river for 2007
The Washington Hilton, by the way, is where President Reagan was shot (outside the Terrace level entrance). And it hosts one of the Presidential Inaugural Balls. Interesting trivia.
Technorati Tag: cil2006
Call for Proposals: Converging Information, People and Technology
Content Management – Converging Information, People and Technology
October 6 - 7, 2006 - Vancouver, BC
Hosted by Western Canada, Oregon and Pacific Northwest Chapters
You are invited to submit a proposal for presentation at the 2006 SLA NorthWest Regional Conference.
Submission guidelines: Please see the Submission Form for guidelines and evaluation criteria at the conference web site: Questions may be addressed to Deadline for submissions is March 31, 2006.
Venue: Fairmont Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver, BC
Introduction: Content management (CM) has, in recent years, moved from the back room of the web designer onto the desk of almost every information professional who has responsibility for getting their organisation’s content out to a suitable audience. CM professionals have helped to articulate the process and develop the systems to manage it. Many librarians, on the other hand, are meeting CM for the first time, even if they recognise elements of it in their existing skill sets.
The keynote speaker will be Bob Boiko. As the author of the Content Management Bible, Bob is, without exaggeration, the guru of content management. He is a teacher, consultant, writer, programmer, and itinerant businessman. Bob is currently President of Metatorial Services, Inc. ( and an affiliate faculty member of the Information School at the University of Washington (
Target Audience: The primary objective of the conference is to bring together SLA members and others with a professional or academic interest in content management and related disciplines. The conference will focus on developing content management skills for attendees of all knowledge levels, from novice to advanced, and demonstrating the added value of content management.
Presentations: We welcome presentations on the use of CM in and outside of library settings and from introductory to advanced levels. We expect that most programs will run for just under one hour including time for questions and answers, although we are open to suggestions of other formats (workshops, panel discussions, etc.) that might run for longer or shorter periods.
Topics: We welcome presentations on, for example:
· fundamentals of CM | · CM systems |
· best practices | · metadata |
· case studies | · taxonomies and thesauri |
· CM jobs in special libraries | · information architecture |
· CM challenges |
Speakers should bear in mind that their audience may encompass a range of knowledge and experience of both CM and information skills.
The time and effort to copyright clear materials
I'm unsure of how or why I missed this news, but I am glad to read (per The Chutry Experiment) that the groundbreaking civil rights documentary Eyes on the Prize will begin airing again in Fall 2006. As CopyCense posted in January 2005, the documentary had not been broadcast for more than a decade (nor had it been made available on DVD) because the licensing rights to its massive aggregation of archival film had lapsed in the mid-1990s.But last summer, Wired News reported that the Ford Foundation and a philanthropist Richard Gilder granted $850,000 to save the project. The money will go toward licensing fees and post-production work. (It also is likely that the footage and the masters tapes will have to undergo some level of professional archival and preservation work, since the 14-part series first aired in 1987.)
According to the Wired News article,
The task of reacquiring rights [to still photos, video footage and music] has fallen on [Blackside lawyer Sandy] Forman and a team of film industry veterans who worked on the Eyes series. They have a formidable job ahead: Blackside used video footage from 82 archives, and approximately 275 still photographs from about 93 archives. About 120 song titles were used as well.In January, PBS announced that the series would be rebroadcast on the station's American Experience program.
When we talk about copyright clearing materials for digitization, we know that we are talking about -- possibly -- a massive effort. Many side step that effort by only using materials that are clearly in the public domain. Others will seek to digitize materials where it is known that copyright clearance will be easy to get (perhaps limiting this effort to a few items). Here we have a large effort, involving materials from many, many sources.
Obviously, from what Dames has written, the entire $850,000 is not being used just for copyright clearance/licensing, but also to help preserve the master tapes. What we are reminded from this is that we do need funding to help preserve the media we are creating.
Technorati tags: Copyright, Digital Preservation
Event: Preserving Photographs in a Digital World Seminar
August 19-24, 2006
George Eastman House
Rochester, New York
Sponsored by:
- George Eastman House
- Rochester Institute of Technology
- Image Permanence Institute
Throughout the week, you'll also learn about the use of digital imaging and how various image-capture, storage, display, and output strategies compare. In addition, presentations will explain the design and application of image database systems-always keeping in context the
balance that must be struck between traditional and digital preservation and access.
Program Fee: $1,495
For registration and further information visit or contact Stacey VanDenburgh at (585) 271-3361 ext. 323 or
Monday, March 27, 2006
Digitization Project Management at Computers in Libraries
K.M. Dames and I gave a workshop at Computers in Libraries on Saturday (March 25) entitled "Digitization Project Management Essentials." The workshop covered not only the essentials of digitization project management, but also the intellectual property (IP) considerations. Attendees were from the U.S., Puerto Rico, and other countries.
Below are links to the presentation and to additional resources. Unfortunately, you cannot hear our voices giving you the "meat" (content) of the workshop. However, we'll be doing similar workshops for SLA in April (virtual/online seminars) and June (at the Annual Conference in Baltimore). The workshop in June will be a full-day and much more in-depth, if you have an opportunity to attend that one.
Slide Presentation
- K. Matthew Dames & Jill Hurst-Wahl. Digitization Project Management Essentials. (.pdf, 840 KB) Workshop given at Computers in Libraries 2006. Washington, DC. March 25, 2006.
Supplementary Materials: Websites
- Seso Digital LLC. CopyCense. (Ed. K. Matthew Dames) (See also: CopyCense Digitization Archive)
- Hurst Associates Ltd. Digitization 101. (Ed. Jill Hurst-Wahl)
- Digitizationblog (Ed. Mark Jordan)
- Digitize Everything. (Ed. Michael Yunkin)
- DigitalKoans. (Ed. Charles W. Bailey Jr.)
- Cornell University Library. Moving Theory Into Practice: Digital Imaging Tutorial.
- File Formats Blog. (Ed. Gary McGath)
- Peter B. Hirtle. Copyright Term and the Public Domain in the United States. Cornell Copyright Information Center. Jan. 1, 2006.
- OCLC. Digitization & Preservation Online Resource Center.
- The Ten Thousand Year Blog. (Ed. David Mattison)
- University of California at San Diego. diglet. (Ed. Jim Jacobs)
Supplementary Materials: Articles, Guides & Papers
- K. Matthew Dames. "Associations’ Silence on Google Book Search Is Not Golden." Online. March/April 2006.
- K. Matthew Dames. Demystifying Fair Use. CopyCense. March 2, 2006.
- Mary Sue Coleman. Google, the Khmer Rouge and the Public Good (Address to the Professional/Scholarly Publishing Division of the Association of American Publishers). (.pdf, 180 KB) Feb. 6, 2006.
- K. Matthew Dames. Library Schools & the Copyright Knowledge Gap. Information Today. February 2006.
- K. Matthew Dames. Library Copying in the Digital Age. Copycense. Jan. 31, 2006.
- Paul Ganley. Google Book Search: Fair Use, Fair Dealing and the Case for Intermediary Copying. Social Science Research Network. Jan. 13, 2006.
- Jonathan Band. The Google Library Project: The Copyright Debate. (.pdf) ALA Office for Intellectual Property Policy. January 2006.
- Robin Jeweler. The Google Book Search Project: Is Online Indexing a Fair Use Under Copyright Law? (.pdf, 37 KB) Congressional Research Service. Dec. 28, 2005.
- Jonathan Band. The Authors Guild v. The Google Print Library Project. Oct. 15, 2005.
- K. Matthew Dames. Google Shouldn't Punt on Litigation. CopyCense. Oct. 4, 2005.
- Jonathan Band. The Google Print Library Project: A Copyright Analysis. (.pdf, 174 KB) August 2005.
- Peter B. Hirtle. Digital Preservation and Copyright. Copyright & Fair Use/Stanford University Libraries. No date.
- Mary Minow. Library Digitization Projects: U.S. Copyrighted Works That Have Expired into the Public Domain. April 15, 2004.
- Melissa Smith Levine. Overview of Legal Issues for Digitization. Northeast Document Conservation Center. April 9, 2004.
- National Information Standards Organization. A Framework of Guidance for Building Good Digital Collections, 2d. Ed. 2004.
- June M. Besek. Copyright Issues Relevant to the Creation of a Digital Archive: A Preliminary Assessment. Council on Library and Information Resources. June 2003.
- Western States Digital Standards Group. Western States Digital Imaging Best Practices Version 1.0. (.pdf) January 2003.
- Mary Minow. Library Digitization Projects and Copyright. June 28, 2002.
- National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage (NINCH). The NINCH Guide to Good Practice in the Digital Representation and Management of Cultural Heritage Materials. October 2002.
- Maxine K. Sitts, Editor. Handbook for Digital Projects: A Management Tool for Preservation and Access. Northeast Document Conservation Center. 2000.
- Abby Smith. Why Digitize? Council on Library and Information Resources. February 1999.
- Harvard University. Selection for Digitizing: A Decision Making Matrix. (.pdf) 1997.
Technorati tag: Digitization, Copyright, Workshops, CIL2006, Special Libraries Association
Friday, March 24, 2006
CIL2006: Minds/lives
Technorati Tag: cil2006
ISE2006: SchoolRooms (and a study on Millennials)
See for some information from INFOhio. You can see the project at This product, once complete, will be available to others areas of the U.S. And those areas will be able to add local content (like info taught in their local history classes).
BUT the coolest part wasn't discussed (and why I sneaked into this session) -- Student Learning through Ohio School Libraries : The Ohio Research Study. This study evidently looked at the Millennials in more detail and has found that there is a difference between the older and younger Millennials. Steve Abram said that those under 16 are a new generation. I have not read the study, but plan on reading it when I get home. Perhaps this study can help all those developing services for this age group?!
Technorati Tags: ISE2006, cil2006
CIL2006: The Future of Catalogs
Catalogues do well:
- Inventory control
- Known item searching
- ...for items within a particular collection
- Any search except "known item"
- Anything beyond books and journal TITLES
- Displaying results by logical groupings
- Faceted browsing
- Relevance ranking
- Recommendations
The future:
- The catalogue must interoperate
- Can be part of a unified finding tool
- Refocused in local inventory only
- To get one of them, do an Internet search on: BSTF final report
- There is a report from the Library of Congress by Karen Calhoun that is not out yet (written in Feb. 2006), which echoes things from the BSTF report.
The whole idea is to better use catalogues for what they are good at. Yes, there is hope for catalogues.
[And...yes...I did meet Roy Tennant!]
Technorati tag: CIL2006.
CIL2006: Supporting the World with Digital Gadgets
- Convergence
- Personalization and customization
- Miniaturization and portability
Definitely check out ZDnet's Top 10 Gadget Must Haves to see what people are buying/discussing. (Which I can't find....I must be rushing.)
Hope's presentation will be on her web site at
Technorati tag: CIL2006
CIL2006: Life Online: The Internet enhancing work & play
- They are a distinct age cohort
- They are emersed in a world of media and gadgets. "If they can't be with the device they love, they love the device they are with."
- ???
- The Internet plays a special role in their world. It is where they show off their creativity.
- They are multitaskers. In their world, we might position librarians as "information support" to help them when it is needed.
- They are often unaware of or are indifferent to teh consiequences of their Internet use (e..g, copyright & privacy, disclosure)
- Their (our) technology world will change radically in the next decade. His discussion here included the Long Tail.
- The way they approach learning and research will be shaped by their new technology world. For example -- It will be more self-directed. They will rely on group knowledge.
Technorati tag: CIL2006
CIL2006: Recreating the Civil War Provenance & Digitization
The first project was from Western Michigan Univ. to digitize eight diaries from Civil War veterans, who all had some relationship to the state of Michigan. The diaries came from different collections...and in digital format are creating a new collection. This new collection does have some additional information with it to help with context.
The group has previously done two small digitization projects for itself, but this one is more ambitious -- 1,100 pages from the diaries.
The team of seven people who worked on the project included someone who focused on color management.
Some of the work was done by students (scanning and transcribing), which helped with cost. Students are transcribing and encoding 3 - 5 pages/hour. The reviewer can do 8 pages/hour.
To digitize, they used a digital camera and copystand. One of the pieces of equipment I noticed on the list was color balancing light bulbs.
Everything will eventually end up in CONTENTdm. Of course, they are not as far along as they had hoped, but will be done by the end of the summer.
If they could do the project over, they would do more planning.
The second project was to digitize the History of Women Physicians being done at Drexell Univ. in Philadelphia. The is being funded by an IMLS grant. One cool thing about this project is the flash-based image viewer called Zoomify. Lots of overlap with the first presenter in some ways.
Technorati tag: CIL2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
CIL2006: Weblogs as Customer Communication and Collaboration Tools
- “From watching and consuming to participating and creating.” Online, April 2006, pp. 38 – 40.
- Customer facing
- Personal knowledge management
- Knowledge management
- Get the blog advertised on the pages that your customers visit
- Blogs speak to our customer focus initiatives
- People do need to be trained to blog
- Use blogs and social software to connect with Millennials
Technorati tag: CIL2006
CIL2006: Digi TechForum
- Disruptive innovation
- Two-way web
- Games for training & instruction
- Mashups
- Library blogs
- Yahoo’s IM which will include VOIP
- Thumb drives
- Next gen OPACs and portals
- Second Life
- Teen Second Life
Technorati tag: CIL2006
CIL2006: Planning for a Handheld Mobile Future
Using mobile devices, people can receive information “at the point of need.”
One of the key things is having a mobile optimized web site. This allows the sites to be viewed efficiently (and effectively) on a mobile phone. From what she said, it doesn’t sound like it would be difficult for most sites to be mobile optimized. She also mentioned some web site that will act as intermediaries and optimize content for delivery to a mobile device (sadly, I didn’t catch what those sites were).
Her slides were packed full of information. Packed. Better to look at her slides than my notes. You can view her slides at If there are not there now, they soon will be.
Technorati tag: CIL2006
CIL2006: Creative Visibility: Toolbars and Game Nights
Giz is very enthusiastic about what they have been able to do and would like to talk with other librarians about having game nights. He’d even like to talk to librarians who have not been successful, since we learn both from successes and failure. His e-mail is .
Technorati tag: CIL2006
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
CIL2006: My presentation PowerPoint & resources
The PowerPoint
The additional resources (longer than what is in the "collected presentations" book)
As I posted elsewhere, "I'll post more about my talk later. Please be patient...access here is spotty and I may have to do a major catch-up on everything next week."
CIL2006: Failing to Innovate: Not an Option
Questions included:
What are innovation stoppers?
- Tying ideas to money (we don’t have the money).
- We’ve done it before.
- Fearful of change.
- Waiting to see what others have done (and how it worked for them).
- Do innovation training,
- Use the process, even without training, to step people through how to generate and select ideas.
- Use an outside facilitator for the ideation session (idea generation session).
Technorati tag: CIL2006
CIL2006: Chris Sherman (Opening keynote)
This is the 21st year of the conference.
- 2,386+ attendees
- 2,005 registered for the full conference
- 198 coming for the exhibit all only
- 183 who are staffing the exhibit hall
The group represents 39 U.S. states plus D.C. and Puerto Rico (missing was Mississippi) and 17 countries including Egypt, Thailand, Taiwan, U.K., Canada and Slovenia.
There are 150 speakers and moderators. 60 companies exhibiting.
Chris Sherman in the Executive Editor of He spoke about:
- Ask
- Yahoo
I have lots of notes (which I’ll not type in now). Key thoughts:
- The search engines are constantly changing
- They are doing more than just search
- What they do now may have to do with a longer-term strategy that we cannot yet see
- They are developing very cool tools
- We need to keep looking and what they are doing and experimenting with what they have
Technorati tag: CIL2006
CIL2006: The company of strangers
More new friends surfaced in the lobby last night over drinks. Instant connections because we are librarians and at the conference. And we are always helpful.
BTW dinner last night was with Margie Hlava from Access Innovations. She is staying at the Cosmos Club, which used to be a men’s club. The club walls are filled with pictures of members who have won very prestigious awards (Nobel Laureates and such). Very exclusive. We were out of place sitting the bar. We did try to have dinner there, but could not get in to the dining room because I had on “tennis shoes!”
Oh....I should mention that Michael Bloomberg is at this conference. No, not the NYC mayor, but a librarian from Minnesota. a business card from Iris Jastram (Gould Library, Carleton College) and it is VERY is a librarian trading card -- two-sided.
Technorati tag: CIL2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Thinking about industry awards
What we need, though, is the recognition of people who are not in our industry. In the information industry, for example, we need people outside of the industry to understand and value what we do. We need businesspeople in aerospace, bioengineering, banking, security, etc., who see us as part of the solution. For indeed, we have skills and knowledge that they can use and profit from.
The struggle is always how to get people in other industries to recognize the value of information professionals. It is a constant struggle.
In the area of digitization, we too need to get people outside of the information industry to recognize the value of librarians and others trained in creating and managing digital assets. They need to understand how we can help them work better, smarter and faster. Again, we struggle in getting them to recognize our skills, but it is something we must keep working at.
Along with that recognition will eventually lead to awards given by other industries to members of the information industry (and not just those denizens at the top). When that happens, we will know that we are having real impact.
Monday, March 20, 2006
The week ahead (CIL)
I'm looking forward to meeting people whom I talk to online including Michael Stephens, Meredith Farkas and Christina Pikas. Roy Tennant will be there at the end of the week and I hope to have a chance to meet him.
I am also looking forward to the sessions. There will undoubtedly be new ideas surfaced and discussed, which is one reason we all attend conferences. We go in search of new information and inspiration. I hope to not only be inspired, but also to help inspire others at my session on Wednesday (Failing to Innovate: Not an Option) and the workshop that K.M. Dames and I are doing on Saturday. I have already been inspired by the information people have posted as they have prepared their presentations (both in their blogs and in Flickr).
I am sure that I will hear about projects and ideas that you need to know about. And I'll be sure to tell you all about them.
BTW You can see the list of bloggers in the CIL wiki, which was built by Meredith Farkas. You can also grab the OMPL file to "subscribe" to the conference-related feeds.
Technorati tag: CIL2006
Friday, March 17, 2006
Plan your work
There is the old adage – Plan your work and work your plan. That is true for everything in all areas of our work. Being haphazard can cause inconsistent results. Yet we can also over plan, which leads to paralysis. There is a balance between planning “enough” and planning “too much.” It is a balance that one those involved can recognize and keep.
Sometimes the way to stop planning is to take “small steps” and begin to work on the project. “Dip your toe in and test the waters.” You may find that the “water is fine” and you can proceed with the work at hand. If there are problems, then you also have time to stop and fix them. It is not too late.
Take a moment and look at your workload and your calendar. Look to see what’s coming up and what is already in the works. What projects do you have on your plate? Have you planned how you will carry them out? Have you done enough planning and are now ready to jump in (or perhaps wade slowly into the project)? If the answers are “no,” schedule time over the next few days to beginning your planning. You will be happy that you did.
Technorati tag: Project planning
Creative Commons license upheld in court
Yesterday in the Creative Commons blog, Mia Garlick writes:
Good news! You can read her entire post here.Many people have asked us over the years whether any court had held that CC licenses were enforceable. I have always found this question to be amusing. In my many years as a lawyer in private practice, if the licenses I had drafted were *not* litigated, then I was considered to have done my job well. But for some, it seems that keeping people out of court is not an indication of CC's success; the legitimacy of the CC licensing system depended on some judicial validation.
So now we have that to some extent. The first known court decision involving a Creative Commons license was handed down on March 9, 2006 by the District Court of Amsterdam. The case confirmed that the conditions of a Creative Commons license automatically apply to the content licensed under it.
Technorati tags: Copyright, creative commons
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Larry Lessig @ RIT, March 24 (Rochester, NY)
Cyber-Law Expert
Visit the URL below to learn more about the session:
Cyberspace and Cyber-Law
Presented by
Friday, March 24, 2006
9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Ingle Auditorium (Limit 500) in RIT’s Student Alumni Union (SAU)
Student Alumni Room #1829 will accommodate overflow;
Interpreters will be present and the event will be captioned.
Visitors need to visit the VLC (glass booth in front of the Sentinel). After obtaining a pass, you may park in General Parking (non-reserved) for any of the following Lots: D, N or U. Maps to RIT and RIT Campus maps:
Event Description:
Lawrence Lessig is one of the world’s foremost experts in the field of cyber-law. Lessig, a Professor of Law at
This event is co-sponsored by the following RIT departments and individuals:
Office of the Provost; Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs; Dean of the College of Liberal Arts; Dean of the College of Business; Dean of the College of Applied Science and Technology; Dean of the College of Imaging Arts and Sciences; Department of Computer Science; Department of Information Technology; Department of Software Engineering; RIT Technology Licensing Office; RIT Student Government; RIT Office of Student Affairs; RIT Teaching Learning Center; and RIT Libraries.
Comments and questions can be directed to the following URL:
Proceedings from The Library in Bits and Bytes
The University of Maryland Libraries' Digital Collections and Research is pleased to announce the online publication of symposium proceedings from The Library in Bits and Bytes: A Digital Library Symposium, held September 29th, 2005 at the University of Maryland. The online publication contains remarks from session presenters, panelists, and poster presenters on how library practice has embraced and is challenged by digital library initiatives.
Symposium proceedings can be found at:
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
D-Lib and a million books
These are articles that will require time to read. I can tell that they can't easily be skimmed.
- Usability Basics
- Methods for Designing Usable Web Sites
- Guidelines and Checklist
- Accessibility Resources
- Server Log Analysis
- Statistics and Market Research
- Events and Meetings
- Newsletters and Current Publications
There is a lot here and there are extensive resource lists.
If you are building a new web site, revising an old one or just in the planning stages, you should check out this web site and see what you should be thinking about in regards to usability. Thinking of testing your site with users? There are resources here to help with that too.
BTW one flaw in the site is that I see no revision dates posted. The documentation says that new information is added monthly, but without revision dates (or update dates), it is impossible to tell when a page has been changed.
Technorati tags: usability, web site
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Digitization, SXSW, CIL and the role of librarians
- Dan Clancy, manager of the Google book search project
- Danielle Tiedt from Microsoft's book search project
- Bob Stein from a think tank about the future of the book
- Elizabeth Lawley, professor, RIT
Josh notes that Danielle Tiedt said:
- Sees Microsoft'’s digitization efforts as intended to help them "answer questions better"” [I'm assuming that "them" is Microsoft]
- Wishes government would take a larger role in digitization --– from Microsoft'’s perspective, she'd rather everything was already scanned so that all she had to do was crawl it, index it and create a user interface that makes users want to use it via Microsoft.
Lawley is asked about the role of librarians. She says that librarians are still needed to organize and help people choose the right sources. They will serve as guides to information. Joy of searching vs. joy of finding.By the way, looking at the information on the SXSW web site, this is definitely one "happening" conference! Probably what we wish every conference would be like -- top-notch content, a great venue, and celebrities! (Neil Young is giving one of the keynote addresses.)
Clancy says the need for librarians is actually increasing because of the proliferation of information. Search is not the end all be all of finding information. The library is still a community. People still need to find community; they want to be around people.
Next week the topic of digital assets and other digital "tools" will be the topic of Computers in Libraries (CIL) in Washington, D.C.
Although I bemoan the fact that there is not one major conference dedicated to digitization, I am pleased to see the topic covered in so many conferences (including PLA which is also next week). This demonstrates that the creation of digital assets is important to many segments of our society. It is not just the purview of librarians. Yet, it needs librarians (information professionals) to ensure its success.
This topic arose among my students last week. If there are groups outside of the library creating digital assets, what is the role of librarians? Is there truly a need for information professionals who have studied this area? The students seemed suddenly panicked that they had selected a career choice that anyone could do (and is doing). They saw their job outlook evaporating in front of their eyes.
The reality is that there are successful projects being done without the aid of librarians. But that does not mean that librarians have not influenced what was done by:
- creating guidelines/standards
- working with/for vendors on technology and processes
- setting the standards for "search"
- teaching the importance of metadata, indexing and access
- understanding and talking about how end-users work with information
One student in my class wrote about a project where the project manager had librarians working on metadata, but didn't understand its importance. Thus he didn't allow them to do what should have been done. Once he saw the results, though, he had them go back and re-do their work (and extra cost). To me, that sounds like the librarians did not frame (talk about) their skills in a way that he would understand. They perhaps didn't talk about access and how metadata ensures that. A good example of how we need to talk about our work in ways that others will understand. We need to use their words and their frames of reference.
And that brings me back to SXSW. We tend to attend library-related conferences. Digitization, though, is not confined to the library (nor the archive or museum). We'd better get involved in the digitization-related conversations that are happening at other conferences like SXSW where these non-librarians are talking about the things we care about.
Technorati tags: sxsw, sxsw2006, library, book search, Digitization, CIL2006
Article: Excuse Me... Some Digital Preservation Fallacies?
The fallacies are:
- Digital preservation is very expensive [because]
- File formats become obsolete very rapidly [which means that]
- Interventions must occur frequently, ensuring that continuing costs remain high.
- Digital preservation repositories should have very long timescale aspirations,
- 'Internet-age' expectations are such that the preserved object must be easily and instantly accessible in the format de jour, and
- the preserved object must be faithful to the original in all respects.
Technorati tag: Digital Preservation
Monday, March 13, 2006
Article: Checking Out the Machines Behind Book Digitization
In talking about the Google Book Search, the University of Michigan said:
Some of the books are scanned onsite, with a nondestructive -- but non-robotic -- scanner from German company Zeutschel, or a flatbed scanner from Fujitsu that requires destroying the books' bindings. But most are sent offsite to Google for scanning, says John Wilkin, associate university librarian for library information technology and technical and access services.4DigitalBooks now has a book scanner that will do 3000 pages per hour, making it the fastest book scanner (if that throughput holds true). The scanner costs $225,000. (Actually, I'm using the word scanning loosely, since 4DigitalBooks reportedly takes very high quality pictures of the pages, which is the same thing Kirtas does.)
4DigitalBooks will rent it equipment to a library and says that the cost per page (even if rented) can be as low as 4 cents/page. However, its equipment is large which can make it prohibitive if space is not available for it.
The article again says that Google is using a proprietary system (as is Amazon). I'm skeptical about that. Why would either company use proprietary systems given the technology that is available in the marketplace? Maybe they have added a proprietary twist to technology that is in the marketplace? Now that I might believe.
Technorati tags: Google, Digitization
Article: Confronting Digital Age Head-On
We do think about the need to not have electronic documents altered. With government documents (including passports), the idea that there could be counterfeit versions raises the stakes. It will be interesting to see whose technology they implement to help manage these documents and insure their authenticity.The Future Digital System will respond to that trend by making available online all 2.2 million government documents -- a total of 60 million pages -- by the end of the 2007, tagged by keywords so they can be easily searched. It is a nearly $30 million endeavor and will include documents all the way back to the nation's founding.
The secure and intelligent documents unit is working to ensure that digital documents are certified as authentic and that important documents are extremely difficult to counterfeit, something that has posed more of a problem as technologies have emerged to assist counterfeiters.
Technorati tag: Digitization
Friday, March 10, 2006
March - June 2006: Speaking/workshop/travel schedule
- March 22 -- Session -- Failing to Innovate: Not an Option, Computers In Libraries, Washington, DC
- March 25 -- Workshop -- Digitization Project Management Essentials, with K. Matthew Dames, Computers In Libraries, Washington, DC
- April 4 -- Presentation -- Non-Traditional Career Paths for Librarians, School of Infomatics, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
- April 7 -- Facilitated Discussion -- Digitization Discussion Series: A Discussion for School Librarians, WNYLRC, Buffalo, NY
- April 12 -- Virtual Seminar -- Digitization Project Management in a Nutshell, with K. Matthew Dames, Special Libraries Association
- April 20 -- Workshop -- Change: It's a good thing!, NNYLN, Potsdam, NY
- April 25 -- Presentation -- MORIC, Verona,NY
- April 26 -- Virtual Seminar -- Managing Intellectual Property Issues Within the Digitization Project, with K. Matthew Dames, Special Libraries Association
- May 3 -- Workshop -- Digitization Planning, RRLC, Fairport, NY
- May 9 -- Presentation -- Blogging, ICON, Ithaca, NY
- May 12 -- Facilitated Discussion -- Digitization Discussion Series: Session 2:– Exploring Legal Issues for Digitization Projects, WNYLRC, Amherst, NY
- May 30 -- Workshop -- Library Outreach Redefined: It's a Wide New World, RRLC, Fairport, NY
- June 10 - 11 -- Workshop -- Digitization Essentials Workshop, with K. Matthew Dames, Special Libraries Association Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD
4/3/2006: Added info on April 20 & 25.
Technorati tags: Digitization, Blogging, Workshops, CIL2006
Webcast & blog: Scholarship and Libraries in Transition
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Mind the Gap: Report shows the extent of digital data loss
Report reveals major gaps in long term management of valuable digital assets
With the release of the report, Mind the gap: assessing digital preservation needs in the UK, the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) aims to help government, public institutions and private companies turn high awareness into concerted action.
The survey reveals that the loss of digital data is commonplace – it is seen as an inevitable hazard by some – with more than 70% of respondents saying data had been lost in their organisation. Awareness of the potential economic and cultural risks is high, with 87% recognising that corporate memory or key cultural material could be lost and some 60% saying that their organisation could lose out financially. In 52% of the organisations surveyed there was management commitment to digital preservation – but only 18% had a strategy in place. A pdf version of the report is available from
Prior to the survey, a number of high profile cases had helped raise awareness of the risks of digital data loss. In a recent judgement in the US, Morgan Stanley had more than $1 billion awarded against them as a result of their failure to preserve and hand over some documents required by the courts. The Securities and Exchange Commission in the US are also looking at fining the same bank over $10 million – specifically for failing to preserve email documents.
The data tapes from the 1975 Viking Lander mission to Mars were recently discovered to have deteriorated despite careful storage, and scientists also found that they could not decode the formats used and had to rely on the original paper printouts.
The BBC’s 1986 Domesday project is another example of the unique fragility of digital material. Designed to capture a picture of Britain in 1986, the collection of photographs, maps and statistical information was recorded onto 30cm laserdiscs. But less than 20 years on, the laserdiscs and player are obsolete. The date was only rescued thanks to a surviving laserdisc player and more than a year’s effort by specialist teams.
According to the DPC-commissioned report, the principal risks to digital material are: the deterioration of the storage medium; obsolescence of hardware, software or storage format; and failure to save crucial document format information (a common example is preserving tables of numbers without preserving an explanation of their meaning).
The report identifies 18 core needs, each of which has recommendations which will address them. Recommendations are addressed to organisations, government, and funding bodies. Among the key needs: awareness of digital preservation issues needs to be more commonplace – particularly amongst data creators; organisations need to take stock of their digital materials (55% of the respondents to the survey do not know what digital material they hold); and projects need to be funded from the outset with the long-term value of the information produced and the cost of retention taken into account. There needs to be funding for more digital archives
This UK Digital Preservation Needs Assessment study, carried out by the software services company Tessella, looked at digital preservation practice in government bodies, archives, museums, libraries, education, scientific research organisations, pharmaceutical, environmental, nuclear, engineering, publishing and financial institutions.
“Gone are the days when archives were dusty places that could be forgotten until they were needed” said Lynne Brindley, Chair of the Digital Preservation Coalition. “The digital revolution means all of us – organisations and individuals – must regularly review and update resources to ensure they remain accessible. Updating need not be expensive, but the report is a wake-up call to each one of us to ensure proper and continuing attention to our digital records.’
Dr Peter Townsend, Commercial Director of Tessella said: “It is critically important that organisations create long-term pro-active information management plans, and allocate adequate budget and resource to implementing practical solutions.” Dr Robert Sharpe of Tessella added: “Organisations that create large volumes of digital information need to recognise the benefits of retaining long-term information in digital form so that these can be balanced against the costs of active preservation.”
Notes for Editors:
About the DPC: The DPC is a cross-sectoral membership organisation dedicated to securing the preservation of digital resources in the UK. It currently has 28 members and associate members: The British Library, the Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries (MLA), the Consortium of University Research Libraries (CURL), the Digital Curation Centre (DCC), Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), the National Archives, the National Archives of Scotland; the National Library of Scotland, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI); the University of Oxford, University of London Computer Centre (ULCC), Arts and Humanities Data Service (AHDS), the BBC Information & Archives, the Centre for Digital Library Research at Strathclyde (CDLR); the Corporation of London, Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils (CCLRC) , the Ministry of Defence, National Electronic Library for Health, National Library of Wales, Natural History Museum, Online Computer and Library Center (OCLC), Open University, Publishers’ Association, Research Libraries Group (RLG), Trinity College Library Dublin, the University of Southampton, UK Data Archive, and the Wellcome Library.
Previous DPC research: A DPC Members survey, which was undertaken in 2003, revealed details of volumes and formats of digital materials held by DPC members and the issue they faced in their preservation. Additional work was undertaken to provide real-life scenarios of circumstances in which digital materials become vulnerable to loss. In 2005, the Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries, funded a sample survey of local and regional organisations in two regions. The report, Mind the gap: assessing digital preservation needs in the UK is the culmination of the two earlier surveys, and a more detailed, wider survey undertaken in 2005.
About Tessella: Tessella Support Services plc specialises in the application of innovative software solutions to scientific, technical and engineering problems. Tessella has over 20 years of proven expertise in the area of reliable and authentic long-term preservation of electronic records, both for government and scientific organizations. In recent years a number of mainly academic and government organisations have been at the cutting-edge of facing up to the digital preservation challenge, and Tessella has played a key role in a number of the most practical of these initiatives.
Technorati tag: Digital Preservation
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Articles/Commentary: CommuniK.
- Demystifying Fair Use
- Editorial On Libraries & Google Book Search
- Revisiting Section 108 & Corporate Libraries
- The Context of Fair Use: Action or Apathy?
- CopyCense's Sony-BMG DRM Bibliography (v. 1.1)
Technorati tag: Copyright
Article: Europe's digital library taking shape
The [European] Commission noted that Google's digital library project had "triggered a reflection" on how to deal with Europe's cultural heritage in the digital age.Nice to see that Google is getting people/institutions to think and act in positive ways. (And not just talk about copyright concerns.)
The project in Europe will include two million books, films, photographs, manuscripts and other works which are expected to become available through the European Digital Library by 2008. The number of digital assets will rise to 6 million by 2010.
Additional information from the European Commission can be found here.
Technorati tag: Digitization