What benefit do you see for libraries in Second Life?Here are the answers I received:
- Exposure to special collections that are only otherwise available behind locked doors or to local residents.
- A different way to reach other users.
- Another way to provide information and services to non-traditional patrons.
- A great way to collaborate with museums, library schools, educators, vendors, etc.
- Virtual gathers of librarians as we figure out how to proceed in the brave, new Web 2.0 world.
- Libraries providing services in new environment. (Libraries in from the beginning)
- New platform for distance learning.
- Reaching new users.
- People / librarians have access to other people -- authors and collections that would not otherwise have.
- Collaboration between libraries and other new library groups not possible in real world.
- To keep libraries relevant to teens and to develop a teen driven approach to libraries by allowing them to create their own space.
- I see a revolution for the role and perception of libraries...Librarians will take more and more on the role of facilitator like teachers. The increased interaction with young people 9and old) will make this facilitator role more relevant than it is today.
- Resource sharing, collaboration, exchanging ideas and expertise. Allowing us to develop a collective "brain" from which we can tap into when needed.
- Draw awareness to a library's special collection. This can identify that library as a niche library for others to contact when needed.,
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