On Tuesday, members of the Regents Advisory Council on Libraries will visit NY state legislators in order to advocate for increased library funding. This is the first time that I'll be doing this, so everything about it is new to me -- where to park, what to say, what homework I need to do before going, etc. We've been told that we will meet with the legislators or members of their staff, depending on the legislators' schedules. I've heard that sometimes the time you get to spend with them is brief, so you have to be prepared to make you pitch quickly. (The two legislators from my area are Assemblywoman Joan Christensen and Senator John DeFrancisco.)
In two weeks, many librarians in NYS will descend on Albany by car and bus in order to advocate for increased spending, so our visit next week is a prelude (or warm up) to the larger event. I hope that all of us have a positive impact.
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