I'm just realizing that I hadn't published this blog post from Tuesday, March 22. My apologies.
The Tuesday keynote speaker is Michelle Manafy - Director of Content, Free Pint Limited.
(BTW I wish her screen shots were larger. The graphics on her PowerPoint template take up too much space.)
Her three main points were:
- Public opinion not private lives
- Knowledge sharing not knowledge hoarding
- Interactions not transactions
The remainder of this blog post are rough notes from her talk, including pointers to many web sites that she mentioned.
The term digital native was introduced in 2001. Digital natives have had a lifelong immersion in digital technologies. They actively speak the language of digital phones, the Internet, etc. Many of the people in the room at CIL
By the time they graduate from college, they will have:
- spent 10,000 hours playing video games
- sent or received 200,000 emails and IMs
- spent 10,000 hours talking on cell phones
By 2018, digital native will have transformed the workplace, changing organizations, sweeping away may previous expectations in the process.
Andy Warhol's saying "everyone will be famous for 15 minutes" has change to "everyone will be famous to 15 people." - Tara Hunt,
The Whuffle Factor
Shift in privacy, for example:
- IJustMadeLove.com
- Police routinely monitor Twitter for gang activity. Gang members openly use Facebook to talk about their lives.
It is a communal generation. They will gladly share details of their lives.
The inclination to live publicly allows police to crowdsource an investigation.
Social sign-on -- allow people to sign onto your site using their ID from their social site (e.g., Facebook). Allows for more information sharing and community building.
TakingItGlobal - leveraged social sign-on to integrate user data, to create a sense of community, and to allow users to promote TakingITGloblal back in their social networks.
"Crowdsoucing is the act of taking a job traditionally performed by a designated agent (usually an employee) and outsourcing it to an undefined, generally large group of people." - Jeff Howe
HAUL videos (Youtube) - videos about shopping sprees (hauls)
When we bring digital natives into our organizations, we then limit they're ability to innovate through information sharing.
Quirky - social product development - provides real-time market feedback. Marketing starts will the product is being discussed and well before it gets to market.
Local Motors - the largest community of car designers. All vehicles are designed in an open community process.
ProPublica - Crowdsourced journalism
DigitalKout (sp?) - play games to improve the accuracy of scanned documents.
Schools app - on Facebook - allows universities to create private areas in Facebook.
Knowledge shared is power.
Digital natives are more likely to purchase products and services that they helped to create. They also have more confidence in peer created/shared content.
This is a generation that wants to do business with itself.
Kids today have a really different view of currency. Currency doesn't need to be money. It could be ratings and reputations.
Companies need to engage their users - listen, respond, react. Be constructive.
Threadless - crowdsourced t-shirt designs
PBS Digital Nation Project - Project team posted rough video from the project. User feedback was factored into the documentary. People are still engaging there talking about how living digital has changed their lives.
There is a UK library that is being rebuilt and re-envisioned from the ground up. Want to build a community around information. They are going to leverage mobile technologies. The library is leveraging QR codes, GPS and virtual reality to help users navigate the physical library.