- #NFAIS if publishers opened up their APIs, what would people create?
- #NFAIS is it less is more or more is less? Does having more feature create lower use?
- #NFAIS business case for using social media vs personal reasons for using.
- #NFAIS did I hear this right? 125 nypl subject librarians are blogging!
- #NFAIS cool public library web site at http://www.bplonline.org
- #NFAIS nielson does demographic info on social media
- #NFAIS westchester cty public lib system puts staff trng videos in youtube
- #NFAIS shelfari books is a competitor to librarything
- #NFAIS public libraries have people sign up for Programs thru facebook.
- #NFAIS my presentation is over! Good questions including one on keeping personal and professional lives separate. (no)
- #NFAIS thomson Reuters has created a researcher registry at http://www.researcherid.com
- #NFAIS phd students can manage their dissertation process thru mynetresearch.com
- #NFAIS http://www.mynetresearch.com - part of an emerging class of web 2.0 global research networks
- #NFAIS the acs journal is on facebook and @j_a_c_s
- #NFAIS when developing new products, spread seeds and "water the green spots. "
- #NFAIS I suspect a lot of phd students should be using methodspace.com it's free!
- #NFAIS http://www.methodspace.com
- #NFAIS biowizard gave away tshirts on campuses that said "a new order for biomedical research begins..." created a buzz
- #NFAIS http://www.biowizard.com is an interesting sharing model.
- #NFAIS looks like interesting stuff at http://www.shirky.com 9:44 AM May 1st
- #NFAIS http://www.textreviews.com
- #NFAIS interesting info industry reports available for free at http://www.gilbane.com
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