At the November 30 Regents Advisory Council on Libraries meeting, the Council decided that it would write and disseminate brief summaries of its meetings. Below is the summary -- written by Jerry Nichols with input by all Council members -- that has been circulated on several distribution lists. You can also read the blog post I wrote after the meeting here.
December 21, 2007
Colleagues in
A brief summary of the November 30 meeting of the Regents Advisory Council on Libraries (RAC) follows. Please contact me or any of the Council members if you have questions or ideas to share. Visit to find a list of current RAC members with contact information.
Happy Holidays!
Lucretia McClure
Chairperson, Regents Advisory Council on Libraries
Regents Advisory Council on Libraries
Unofficial Meeting Notes
November 30, 2007
Please note: This summary is not intended to be all inclusive. Its purpose is to highlight issues of statewide importance discussed by the Regents Advisory Council that will significantly impact the
2009 Legislative Priorities: The Council continued its discussion of a New York Digital Library/Museum/Archive that would be both a statewide platform and a funding source for local libraries and other cultural institutions. This would expand the role of libraries from providing access into providing content as well. The development of standards, regional training and strategies for linking local resources are areas to be explored. This concept offers great potential for LSTA funding should the State begin to support the NOVEL program. This, and other possible legislative proposals for 2009, must be presented to the Regents at their May 2008 meeting.
RAC Communications: It was agreed that Council members should feel free to share the issues raised in our meetings with their colleagues in the field and seek their input in whatever way possible in order to promote broader discussion and understanding. An excellent example is the blog by Jill Hurst-Wahl at:
State Library Update: This year the Division of Library Development and the Research Library have been allowed to begin filling several positions that have been vacant for many years. This has helped and should continue to help significantly. The State Library was awarded a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Opportunity Online Hardware Grant, which will bring more than 2,100 computers valued at $5.6 million to more than 400 public libraries and branches over the next two years. The State Library is also preparing a grant proposal to IMLS as a follow-up to the successful “Making It REAL” librarian recruitment program.
Shubert Award: Nominations are being sought for the Joseph F. Shubert Library Excellence Award. For further information:
Jerry Nichols
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