- Micki McIntyre talked about health/medical resources/sites in Second Life, e.g., Center for Disease Control, National Library of Medicine, and the American Cancer Society. There are also support groups in SL. In addition, there is the Support for Healing Island and Healing Island.
- Some people with disabilities are using SL and finding it beneficial. [related blog post] People with disabilities find camaraderie and a place where they can do things there that they cannot do in real life (RL).
- There are spirituality sites in SL. There are recreations like the Mosque at Chebi and Sistine Chapel. there are places that have real congregations like Wings of Hope and bFirst Unitarian Universalist Church.
- Micki's handouts are at www.healthynj.org/sl.html. Additional resources at http://slhealthy.wetpaint.com.
Derry McMahonElisabeth Marripodi talked about virtual training hospitals.- Why?
- Immersive environment
- Interactive
- Controlled environment
- Can be scripted
- What do they do? e.g.,
- Case presentations
- Discussions
- Patient scenarios
- Drawbacks
- Unreliable Internet connection
- Unpredictable problems in-world
- Other
- Combine virtual and real resources
- Can do disaster preparation training (without a real disaster)
- Can create custom designed learning environments
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