I just saw this announcement on the Digital-Preservation discussion list. Unfortunately, the deadline for registering is Sept. 28 (the end of this week).
TAPE training course on preservation and digitisation of audio and video collections (in English),
The course will be jointly organised by the Phonogrammarchiv of the
Draft Programme
Monday, 12 November
- Welcome
- Introduction: Light and sound; audiovisual carriers vs text documents (DS)
- Audiovisual carriers: Recording principles, composition, stability, handling and storage (DS)
- Format obsolescence and availability of replay machines (NW)
- Long-term preservation strategy (based on IASA-TC 03) (DS)
Tuesday, 13 November
- Carrier Selection and restoration - hands-on (NW, AW)
- Signal extraction from originals - hands on (based on IASA-TC 04) (NW,FL, JSp, FP, JA)
Wednesday, 14 November
- Maintenance of equipment (NW, FP)
- Digital repositories: Small scale approaches audio, hands-on (MR, JSp, FP)
- Visit Österreichische Mediathek
- Digital repositories: Mass storage system (RH, HL)
Thursday, 15 November
- Digital repositories: Linear video file archiving - hands on (FP, JA)
- Meta Data: (CL, CFJ, JSp, RH, HL)
Friday, 16 November
- Planning of preservation and digitisation projects (DS)
- Quality control (NW)
- Wind up and closure
- Julia AHAMER (JA)
- Rainer HUBERT (RH)
- Hermann LEWETZ (HL)
- Christian LIEBL (CL)
- Dietrich SCHÜLLER (DS)
- Johannes SPITZBART (JSp)
- Andreas WEISSER (AW)
All other information on the course, as well as a registration form, can be found on the TAPE website at
Please note that the deadline for registration is 28 September.
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