Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Moving Images: Digitization for Access (Lot 49)

Peter Brantley writes in his blog, "This last Friday (the 13th!), at U.C. Berkeley, the Digital Library Federation was honored to host a landmark meeting of a group that we have labeled 'Lot 49' on the topic of moving image digitization. Our group's aim is to facilitate broader access to the incredible trove of film and video held in our archives, libraries, museums, broadcast stations, and other sources."

Later he wrote, "The motivation for our gathering was the belief that our institutions have a narrow but critical opportunity to draw ourselves together to draft a set of shared understandings that inform our dealings with future partners as a community, rather than a collection of individual actors. We seek to maximize the public good - not vaguely-perceived near-term institutional goals, but rather the larger goals of our organizations: to educate, to teach, to inspire, to inform, and to delight."

I encourage you to read his entire blog posting (rather than me quoting the whole thing here). This group has an interesting set of members and interesting ideas. This is definitely a group worth watching.

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