JCDL Registration Now Open for Conference and Workshop
Workshop on "Digital Curation & Trusted Repositories: Seeking Success"
Workshop website:
http://sils.unc.edu/events/2006jcdl/digitalcuration.htmlTo be held on Thursday, June 15th in conjunction with the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2006) June 11-15, 2006 - Chapel Hill, NC, USA (
Preservation of access to digital assets stands as one of the grand challenges of the early 21st century. A decade of work in digital preservation and access has resulted in many projects, numerous metadata and encoding standards, open institutional repository platforms such as DSpace and Fedora and the OAIS Reference Model. The Research Libraries Group (RLG) and OCLC have described the attributes and responsibilities of such trusted repositories, and RLG and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) have drafted an audit checklist for certifying digital repositories as trustworthy (
repositorieschecklist.pdf) . Guidelines, such as those provided by RLG and NARA, offer technical and managerial attributes for a trusted digital repository, but will adherence to such a checklist, by itself, ensure a successful digital repository, especially the institutional repositories emerging on university campuses today? What are the most promising approaches for implementing the attributes? What does “trust” really mean in the context of a contributor-based repository and will individuals or organizations contribute to a repository just because they trust that it will preserve digital assets over time? What incentives and assistance are needed? What is the role of the archivist vis-à-vis the digital life cycle and the stewardship of digital assets over time. What, indeed, constitutes a “successful” digital repository and how can we ascertain and measure such success?
This workshop will serve as a forum for discussion as to how the emerging principles of digital curation, "the active management and appraisal of data over the life-cycle of scholarly and scientific interest" (Digital Curation Center, http://www.dcc.ac.uk/about/), can work with technical and managerial models to produce not only trusted, but successful repositories that will house rich digital assets over the long-term.
• Presentation of digital curation principles.
• Exploration of what constitutes success and excellence in digital curation and digital repository management.
• Discussion of how to identify and define criteria for success, including exploration of a shared lexicon for describing digital repository attributes.
• Examination of strategies for measuring and evaluating success criteria.
• Discussion of next steps, potential collaborations, and needed research in the application of digital curation to repository development.
*****Who Should Attend*****
• Digital repository developers and curators
• Digital archivists and electronic records managers
• Institutional repository developers
• Institutional administrators and policy developers
• Digital librarians
• Scholars engaged in research intended to benefit the above
• Researchers and administrators charged with preserving research data
*****Workshop Logistics*****
All interested parties are invited to submit a brief (3-4 pages) paper on any of the following topics:
• What constitutes success in a digital repository?
• How can we best measure the success of digital repositories?
• How is certification of digital repositories related to success?
• Beyond meeting certification guidelines, what does it mean to be a trusted repository and what role does trust play in repository success?
• How can the principles and activities of digital curation help repositories to be successful?
The submitted papers will be assessed for their relevance to the workshop and a limited number of papers will be selected for presentation. Emailed submissions in RTF, Microsoft Word, or PDF are welcome. Each position paper will be refereed and results emailed to authors. Selected papers will be distributed to attendees at the workshop and mounted as proceedings on the workshop website. Development of papers into journal articles will be explored at the workshop. All interested persons are invited to register for the workshop even if they do not submit a paper but papers are encouraged to focus discussion and increase participation.
In order to ensure that this workshop will not be cancelled, please submit your paper by April 15, 2006 and register for the workshop by April 15, 2006. JCDL registration page to be open by end of March.
Submit papers electronically to Helen Tibbo: tibbo@ils.unc.edu
*****Important Dates*****
Deadline for paper submissions: April 14, 2006 Notification to authors: May 12, 2006 Final copy of papers: June 2, 2006 Authors should use the ACM SIG proceedings template (
*****Organizers/Program Committee*****
Philip Eppard, SUNY-Albany; Christopher Lee, UNC-Chapel Hill; Karen Markey, Univ. of Michigan; Soo Young Rieh, Univ. of Michigan; Helen Tibbo, UNC-Chapel Hill; Elizabeth Yakel, Univ. of Michigan.