Friday, November 27, 2015

Article: Wisdom of the Crowd

During any holiday period, I try to catch up on my journal reading.  (I don't think you really want to know how far behind I am!)  Yesterday, I finally read this article by Matt Enis in the June 2015 issue of Library Journal.  In "Wisdom of the Crowd", Enis discussed the crowdsourcing activities that libraries are using in order to make more of their collections available.  He notes: the past half decade, libraries have taken cues from long-running projects such as DP, using crowdsourcing as a way not only to outsource work that would be impossible for staff to attempt but also to engage volunteers.
The article is full of excellent examples and strategies.  If you're considering crowdsourcing aspects of your digitization program, for example, you might use this article to locate people and project to talk with about their practices.

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