EBSCO - EBook trending
Business model options
- Direct purchase
- Subscription
- Patron driven acquisition
- Concurrent access
How are business model options trending?
Then... 18 months ago:
- Subscriptions
- Purchase
- Other
- Subscription and purchase continue to grow. Other models are shrinking.
- More subscription and purchase models.
- Patron drive purchase is trending relatively well. Not as positive as subscription and purchase.
Not trending: (negative trending)
- PDA short term loan
- PDa loan to own
- PDA concurrent access
- Concurrent access
Short term loan direction
- Price increases
- Embargoes (1-5 years)
CAM/Non linear lending
- Limited participation
- Not participating
- Fully supports all models
- Exploring new models
Should use more volatile models selectively.
EBSCO subscription
- Large predefined collections
- All unlimited use
- Subscriptions rate is a small fraction of purchase price
What is the latest with ebook technology and formats?
- ePub
- More optimal end user experience
- An open standard
- Allows for flexibility in terms of embedded content
- Most widely adopted ebook format
- EBSCO offers 120000 ePub titles
- Growing rapidly
- ePub & PDF dual delivery
- Moving from EPub2 to ePub3 - ePub3 better handles non-Roman languages
- Full text quality
- Extensive production quality control
- True full text, not scanned images
- Crisp, clear, high quality full text
- Fully searchable, read aloud technology
- Continue to work towards a more relaxed DRM
- Trying to be responsible and coordinate with publisher partners
- Trying to push publishers to relax DRM
User experience - recent
- Concurrent user level in Detail record
- Dual delivery - ePub and PDF
User experience - forthcoming
- Adding publisher permission info to the detail record
- Offline: mobile app
- Online: ebook viewer redesign
- Includes full text display without a browser plug-in
- Updated search within feature
- Automatic including citations in copied text
- Scroll option for PDFs
- Single sign-on - at some point will work with EZ proxy
Year end money & ebooks
- Consider subject sets
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