I am currently a member of the Regents Advisory Council on Libraries and find it a very worthwhile statewide committee to be on. The Council is composed of 12 people who are "related" to libraries in New York State. We include current and former librarians, library trustees, and people whose jobs cause them to interact with libraries frequently. This Council is meant to be a diverse group and it is.
Besides the four meetings per year, there is generally some reading and communication between meetings. For example, this past year we worked on the New York Digital Collection Initiative. Several members worked intently on the proposal, while all others gave input and feedback.
You'll notice that nominations are due by June 30 and hopefully some information on the person being nominated. If you know of someone you want to nominate, please give the names to Paula Paolucci as soon as possible, and include additional information if possible. The nominee will be contacted to ensure that the person is interested and that person will be asked to submit additional information about him/herself. The nominees will then be presented to the Board of Regents in August/September and they will select those that will join the Council.
If anyone wants additional information on the Regents Advisory Council on Libraries, please feel free to contact me.
The New York State Library is seeking, by June 30, recommendations for membership in the Regents Advisory Council on Libraries.
The Regents Advisory Council on Libraries advises the New York State Board of Regents on State policy regarding the New York State Library, library development programs, legislation and library aid programs. The Council works with the officers of the State Education Department in developing a comprehensive statewide library and information policy and makes recommendations to the Regents concerning the implementation of the program.
The Board of Regents will appoint two new Regents Advisory Council members to serve five-year terms from October 1, 2008 to September 30, 2013. The Council meets four times a year: January (conference call), May (Board of Regents meeting in Albany), September (Albany or NYC) and December (Albany or NYC). Members of the Regents Advisory Council are leaders in a wide variety of endeavors across the State, including business, human services, education, and libraries. For more information, see www.nysl.nysed.gov/libdev/adviscns/rac/index.html
The State Library particularly encourages recommendations of representatives of New York State's broadly diverse population, including but not limited to African Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic origin/ancestry and people with disabilities.
Please send nominations, and if possible a brief bio or resume, for membership on the Regents Advisory Council on Libraries by June 30 to: Paula Paolucci, New York State Library, 10C34 Cultural Education Center, Albany, NY 12230; or e-mail ppaolucc@mail.nysed.gov. For more information, please contact Ms. Paolucci.
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