Tuesday, December 01, 2020

A new generation of leaders taking up the copyright torch

Lila Bailey
This article on Lila Bailey, Esq. contains information on who are the new torch bearers for the public interest in terms of copyright law.  It says:

According to Meredith Rose, senior policy counsel at Public Knowledge, [Lila] Bailey is among a new generation of leaders who are taking up the copyright torch from the likes of Kahle, and scholars like Sameulson and Lawrence Lessig. Rose says others in this new vanguard include the journalist Sarah Jeong, law professor Blake Reid and Kyle Wiens, who has led a successful "right to repair" campaign against Apple, John Deere and others to allow individuals to tinker with the software code in their devices.

The article gives me joy to see that others are stepping into this realm. We need people to think about the public interest and not just what is good for the publishers.

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