Friday, November 06, 2020

Upcoming Webinars in November and December

I haven't posted recently about webinars I'm giving, so...

For the South Central Regional Library Council (and available to those who are members of ESLN):

Nov. 12 (10:00-11:30 a.m.) - Part 1: Communications: Stemming the Tide
This year, the methods we use for communication have increased, as well as the frequency of communication. Information is arriving in your inbox, through social media tools, on your phone, and other methods. How do you tame these streams and stay on top of the messages you are receiving? This webinar will help you think through the ways you are receiving information and how to ensure that you see important communications. We will also think through what your communication preferences are, and how to communicate your communication preferences to others. At the end of this workshop, you will have a set of action items to help you tame those overflowing streams of information heading your way.

Nov. 19 (10:00-11:30 a.m.) - Part 2: Communications: Being Understood
We don't just receive information; we are also senders of information. In this webinar, we will consider how to use the preferred communication methods of our teammates, and how to seek compromises. Because of the dominance of email, we will discuss email best practices, and then consider best practices for social media (both as individuals and as representatives of our organizations). At the end of this workshop, you will have ideas for new practices to implement, as well as ideas for possible staff or community member training. 

For the Central NY Library Resources Council (and available to those who are members of ESLN):

Dec. 10 (10:00-11:30 a.m.) - Webinar: SMART Goals – A How-To, Hands-On Working Session
When creating project, team, or organizational goals, we are often told to make them SMART. What does it mean to have goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-based? How do you create SMART goals?  How does their creation help you think about your definition of success?

This 90-minute working session will teach you about SMART goals. In other words, how do you make them specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-based, without making them unreasonable? You will learn what they are and then put what you are learning into practice by creating SMART goals for a project you have in mind. During the session, you will have time to work on your own goals and gain feedback on them from other participants.

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