Friday, April 12, 2019

#UNYSLA Spring Conference: Managing the Most Critical Project of All: Yourself

daffodilThe Upstate New York Chapter of SLA is holding its spring conference today (April 12) in Syracuse, NY. The conference theme is "Managing Projects: Tales from the Trenches."  Among the presenters are Elaine Lasda and me, who are talking about personal time management, or as our proposal said, "Managing the Most Critical Project of All: Yourself."  Rather than creating a handout, we are posting our resources here, so the links are clickable.  Enjoy.

Session Description

To successfully manage a project, you must be able to manage yourself.  Elaine and Jill will first introduce you to the tools and processes they use – including Toodledo, Trello, Bullet Journal, and Getting Things Done – to manage projects and bring short- and long-term goals to fruition.  Then they will prompt you to consider how you can improve on your current methods in order to excel in self-organization.

Session PowerPoint

Personal Time Management from Elaine Lasda and Jill Hurst-Wahl

Session Resources from Jill Hurst-Wahl

Getting Things Done

Bullet Journal

Session Resources from Elaine Lasda

·        Tools

·        Select “Guru” articles and blogs

·         Planners

·         Book

Addendum (9:15 p.m.): During the session, I mentioned this blog post entitled "Building a Team", which includes helpful links on being more effective with email.

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