This is an updated list of my activities from August through November. If you see something that interests you, please follow the link for more information.
- Sept. 4 & 5, 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. ET - Understanding and Defending Copyright in Your Library: An Introduction Workshop for ALA Editions. This is a two-part webinar. Additional information, including learning outcomes, is available on the ALA Editions website.
Series Description: As a librarian, you are a defender of copyright and of proper and
ethical access to information. In this two-part workshop, you’ll learn
all about copyright, so you can help discern how your library and
community can use print and digital materials within the confines of
copyright law.
Part 1: In the first 90-minute session, learn the basic rules of copyright law in ordinary terms and how to put its usage into context.
Part 2: In part two, we’ll build upon part one and tackle two important areas crucial to libraries: Fair Use and e-books. Did you know there’s an actual test to determine if the use is fair? You’ll learn about that test and how e-books and other digital materials intersect with U.S. copyright law. Given that digital works are generally licensed and not sold, we’ll also look at how we can advocate on behalf of our libraries and community members.
- Sept. 18, 10:30 - 11:30am ET - Assuring Library Materials Can Be Used by Your Community for PCI Webinars.
Having materials in a library’s collection is good; having those
materials in the formats needed by the library’s community is much
better. The act of supplying content in the formats that community
members require is critically important to meeting their information
This informative webinar will delve into ways of discerning the format
needs of a community, including using the census and other data, along
with existing reports, to discern the best way of provisioning material
for the community.
- Oct. 23, 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. ET - Moving Your Services into Your Community for PCI Webinars. (Registration is not yet open.)
We’ve heard the refrains of eliminating the reference desk, embedded librarians, and the like. We also hear of the need to get out into our communities. Yet meeting our community members where they are – not where we are – is still a challenge. If we are free to move about our communities, and deliver services outside of the library, what might that look like? What innovative or imaginative twist can we use, which will spark the community’s attention and interaction? How can we assure that our efforts are accomplished in both safe and respectful ways?
Courses at Syracuse University
At Syracuse University, I will be teaching the following courses. If space is available, non-matriculated students can enroll in them.
- Management Principles for Information Professionals (IST 614) - Aug. 27 - Dec. 7 (on campus, graduate course)
Basic ideas, concepts and perspectives of management as they apply to the information professions. Students learn to understand and apply basic principles of organization theory and behavior and managerial techniques needed to improve organizational effectiveness.
- Copyright for Information Professionals (IST 735) - Aug. 27 - Dec. 7 (online - asynchronous, graduate course)
Geared for library and information professionals, this course provides a firm foundation in the fundamental rules of American copyright law, and equips them with the tools to make informed decisions about copyright
- Collection Development & Access (IST 635) - Sept. 28 - Dec. 19 (online - asynchronous and synchronous, graduate course)
Advanced investigation of collection building, acquisition, and maintenance in libraries and information centers; user and collection analysis, collection development policies, digital resource acquisition and licensing, consortium collaboration, and ethical issues.
- Syracuse Reads Program - Late September for five weeks (on-campus, freshmen, not open to others)[updated 11:10 a.m.]
This is part of an expanded first year experience for all incoming freshmen. As part of this, all freshmen are reading and will be discussing Trevor Noah's book Born A Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood. This is a wonderful book, that is about a mother and son, race, identity, poverty, and more. I'm thrilled to be one of the substitute discussion facilitators.
Coffee and Beignets |
In September, I will be representing the
SU iSchool at the
Joint Council of Librarians of Color Conference, Sept. 26-28, in Albuquerque, NM. Look for me at the Exhibit Hall at the SU booth. If you're at the conference, I hope you'll stop by.
I'll be attending the
New York Library Association (NYLA) Annual Conference, Nov. 7-10, in Rochester, NY. I'm very excited about the location, which is relatively close to Syracuse. Also the keynote speakers - a social worker who works in a library and someone who links patrons with community resources - seem very timely. If you will be at the NYLA conference, let's find time for a cup of coffee.
The Great New York State Fair

Every year, the
Central New York Library Resources Council coordinates library workers to staff the
New York State library booth at the
New York State Fair in the Science and Industry Building. This is fun, hot, tiring, and a great way to interact with people who are (or should be) using their local libraries. Coming to the Fair? Stop by and talk to whomever is working. (I'll be there on Aug. 23 in the afternoon.)