Monday, May 14, 2018

Book: Copyright for Teachers and Librarians in the 21st Century

Book coverI want to continue to highlight relevant books and hope to do so more regularly.  This book, Copyright for Teachers and Librarians in the 21st Century, was written by Rebecca P. Butler and published in 2011.  According to the publisher:
Here is a practical copyright handbook designed to help librarians, media specialists, technology coordinators and specialists, and teachers stay within copyright law while making copyrighted print, non-print, and Web sources available to students and others.  Library educator Rebecca Butler explains fair use, public domain, documentation and licenses, permissions, violations and penalties, policies and ethics codes, citations, creation and ownership, how to register copyrights, and gives tips for staying out of trouble.
In addition, Butler covers copyright considerations for different types of media, She also:
covers how to deal with those who would have you break the law; orphan works; file sharing; distance education; digital rights management; the law: classroom exemption, handicap exemption, library exemption, other important federal exemptions in the K-12 schools, parodies, and state laws; copyright lawsuits; relationship of plagiarism to copyright; and copyright and privacy.
This book is available in soft cover format only. 

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