Monday, April 02, 2018

Signage that caught my eye

I have traveled through the Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) in North Carolina several times recently and this sign below stood out to me. CLT is a sprawling airport and people often have to move from one terminal to another. Notice the information at the bottom which gives an indication of how quickly a person can walk between those different terminals. Those average walk times can be comforting to someone or might help someone who walks slowly to seek assistance. The overall message, though, is that the airport is a manageable size and that you can get to where you need to be.

Think about your library and the information you provide to community members. Do you give people clear indications of what is where? Does your signage provide answers to those questions you receive frequently? The idea is to not have so many signs, which might cause people to not read them, but to provide good information to people when they need it.

So what could you be doing?

Signage at Charlotte International Airport


PeterK said...

er-uh charlotte-douglas (CLT) is in North Carolina the last time I looked. flew throught their way too many times

Jill Hurst-Wahl said...

PeterK, I've also flown through Charlotte many times over the years and have always gotten wrong which Carolina it is in. Thanks for catching my error and telling me. I've correct it.