If you are an MSLIS student, I hope you will take time to read or listen to what your colleagues have recommended. You might sample each by reading or listening to 1-3 items. Often reading/listening to just one item (episode/post) is not enough to get a real sense of source.
Open Access Journal:
- In the Library with the Lead Pipe, http://www.inthelibrarywiththeleadpipe.org/
- Hack Library School, https://hacklibraryschool.com/
- Every other week:
- Book Club for Masochists, http://bookclub4m.libsyn.com/ (added 5/16/2017, corrected 5/20/2017)
- The Librarian Is In, https://www.nypl.org/voices/blogs/blog-channels/librarian-is-in
- T is for Training, https://tisfortraining.wordpress.com/
- Tomefoolery, http://tomefoolery.libsyn.com/ (added 5/16/2017)
- Weekly:
- Beyond the Book, http://beyondthebookcast.com/
- Overdue, http://overduepodcast.com/
- Almost daily:
- All the Wonders, http://www.allthewonders.com/podcasts/
- Not yet in a regular groove or irregular:
- The Library Sessions, https://thelibrarysessions.wordpress.com
- Better Library Leaders, http://betterlibraryleaders.com/category/podcast-episodes/ (added 5/16/2017)
Is there a library-related blog or podcast that you would add to this list? If yes, please leave that information in the comments, so we can all benefit from the information. Let's make this an even longer list of resources! [5/16/2017: And I've added more recommendations above!]
If you know an MSLIS student, please consider sharing this list with her/him. Then follow-up and ask the person what she/he liked, didn't like, or learned. Please know that the person might not like these suggestions and that is okay. (In fact, knowing what you like or don't like is a good learning experience.)
Hey! Thanks for linking to the Book Club for Masochists podcast. Just one correction, we're actually twice a month (not monthly!). : )
Great set of resources; hope it is shared widely by our colleagues
I've got a list of library-related podcasts here:
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