Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Bibliography: Dynamic Web Conferencing and Presentation Skills For Effective Meetings, Trainings, and Learning Sessions

My colleague, Paul Signorelli, shared this bibliography with me.  The introduction states:
Web conferencing increasingly is becoming part of our communication toolbox through a variety of free and paid services as we use it to conduct meetings and provide workplace leaning and performance opportunities with colleagues near and far. While not completely replacing our face-to-face workplace encounters, the use of web conferencing tools is proving effective in overcoming many of the constraints we face in terms of travel costs, time, and producing positive, long-term results. What is often lacking, however, is an understanding of the presentation skills which take full advantage of the possibilities offered through

The following resource list is intended help those new to web-conferencing familiarize themselves with its possibilities while calling attention to basic and innovative elements of contemporary presentation styles.
If you're teaching online, in any form, this bibliography may have resources that could be useful to you.

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