Monday, April 30, 2012


 As received in email...

El Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecologicas y de la Informacion (antes CUIB) convoca a los investigadores, profesores y bibliotecologos vinculados con la teoria y practica de la catalogacion, los catalogos y los metadatos a participar en la


Sala de Seminarios del IIBI, Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico, D. F.
5, 6 y 7 de septiembre de 2012

el cual se ha convertido en el foro por excelencia para la discusion e intercambio de experiencias entre academicos nacionales y extranjeros sobre la organizacion de la informacion, a traves de la catalogacion, los catalogos y los metadatos.

Reunir a los involucrados en la teoria y practica de la organizacion de la informacion para discutir los problemas y retos actuales de la investigacion, la educacion y la practica profesional relacionadas con la catalogacion, los catalogos y los metadatos, a fin! de identificar alternativas para enfrentarlos de manera exitosa.

Entre los temas que podran ser abordados se encuentran los siguientes:
• Tendencias de la organizacion de la informacion en el marco de las nuevas tecnologias
• Problematica de la aplicacion del nuevo codigo de catalogacion: RDA (Resources Description and Access)
• Caracteristicas y aplicacion del modelo FRBR
• Caracteristicas y problematica de los catalogos actuales
• Nuevas opciones que brinda la tecnologia para el desarrollo de catalogos y otros sistemas para la recuperacion de la informacion
• Caracteristicas y problematica del uso y aplicacion de metadatos
• Sistemas y esquemas de metadatos para diferentes objetos de informacion
• Normalizacion de registros de autoridad (nombres y materias)
• Indizacion y clasificacion de la informacion
• Formacion de profesionales en el area de organizacion de la informacion

El VII Encuentro de Catalogac! ion y Metadatos se llevara a cabo en las instalaciones del Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecologicas y de la Informacion, ubicadas en la Torre II de Humanidades, piso 13, Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico, D.F.

Podran participar como PONENTES todos aquellos academicos y bibliotecarios de Mexico y el extranjero, interesados en las tematicas del VII Encuentro de Catalogacion y Metadatos, quienes deberan enviar la version completa de su trabajo propuesto, a mas tardar el 30 de junio de 2012.

Las propuestas de trabajo podran ser presentadas en espanol o ingles, las cuales deberan cubrir los siguientes lineamientos:
• Tener una extension de 10 a 15 paginas, incluyendo bibliografia, tablas, graficas y anexos
• Incluir un resumen no mayor de 200 palabras
• El trabajo debera presentarse en un archivo electronico usando la version Documento de Word 97-2003 o posterior
• El tipo de fuente utilizado debera ser Arial 11, ! el espacio entre las lineas 1.5 y doble espacio entre los parrafos
• Los margenes de las paginas deberan ser 3 cm. por lado
• Ser enviadas a la siguiente direccion electronica:, incluyendo:
- Titulo del trabajo
- Autor o autores
- Institucion (es) y pais
- Direccion y telefono de contacto
- Correo(s) electronico(s)
- Resumen curricular del autor (es) (1/2 cuartilla)

Las propuestas de trabajo seran revisadas por un Comite de Evaluacion y la comunicacion a los autores sobre la aceptacion o rechazo de sus propuestas se efectuara a partir del 23 de julio de 2012.

Los autores del extranjero cuyos trabajos sean seleccionados, podran enviar al Comite Organizador una solicitud de apoyo para su estancia en la Ciudad de Mexico durante los dias del evento.

Consulte la Convocatoria del VII Encuentro de Catalogacion y Metadatos en formato PDF en el siguiente enlace:! i_ecym.pdf

Los interesados en participar como ASISTENTES, deberan enviar por correo electronico el formato de inscripcion, ademas de cubrir la cuota de recuperacion correspondiente. El formato de inscripcion se encuentra disponible en la siguiente direccion:

• Hasta el 22 de junio de 2012
UNAM: $550.00
Otras instituciones: $700.00 (USD $70)
• Despues del 22 de junio y hasta el 27 de julio de 2012
UNAM: $700.00
Otras instituciones: $850.00 (USD $85)
• Despues del 27 de julio y hasta el 24 de agosto de 2012
UNAM: $850.00
Otras instituciones: $1,100.00 (USD $110)
• Despues del 24 de agosto de 2012
UNAM: $1,100.00
Otras instituciones: $1,300.00 (USD $130)

Lic. Sarah Iliana Gonzalez Comi
Depto. de Difusion y Educacion Continua del IIBI
Torre II de Humanidades, Piso 13, C. U.
Tels.: (52-55) 562 30352 y ! 30193
Fax: (52-55) 562-30375

Siguenos tambien en:
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube y Ustream

The Signal: Digital Preservation

Among the blog posts that arrive in my email are those from the Library of Congress on digital preservation.  The Signal is published daily.  Each is written with depth and care.  These long blog posts should be of interest to practitioners as well as students.   Recent articles (blog posts) in The Signal have included:
Subscribing to The Signal can be done on its web site.  Even if you read one article a week, you'll be better informed because of it.

Monday, April 23, 2012

The State of Now: Digital Literacy

Jill Hurst-Wahl speaking at #140cuseLast week, I spoke at #140cuse, a social media conference that was really about "The State of Now."  Most speakers had 10 minutes for their presentations and I used mine to talk about digital literacy.

Since late 2011, I've been thinking about digital literacy more because of a consulting project I was involved in.  According to
Literacy represents a person’s ability to read, write, and solve problems using both spoken and written language. Digital literacy is the ability to apply those same skills using technology such as desktop computers, ebook readers and smartphones.
Yes, there are people all around us with smartphones and feature phones, but do those phones make them digitally literate?  No. Because a people can use a feature phone, does that mean that the person can use a laptop computer?  No.  And keep in mind that there are tasks that people often need to do that cannot be done on a smartphone like completing a job application or filing tax returns.

During my talk, I gave three important statistics (source):
  • "In New York State, almost 2.7 million households are not connected to the Internet."
  • In 2010, the US ranked 15th out of the top 31 countries in terms of broadband penetration.
  • Among the G7, the US ranks 5th in terms of broadband penetration.
Yes, all of the work we do to make information available digitally is important.  However, we can't forget that there is still a digital divide.  In fact, we all need to work to ensure that the divide is eliminated.

Addendum (5/7/2012): Here is the video of my presentation.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Google[x] announces Project Glass (eye glasses as an interface device)

On April 4, the Google[x] team unveiled "Project Glass", which makes eyeglasses a computer interface device for both input and output.  A video introduction to the concept is below.

There is obviously recognition software involved in this (voice and image) as well as fine-tuned geographic information systems, among other things. The video does not demonstrate anything that would require intensive amounts of metadata, however, I could see that descriptions (metadata) of things and places would be necessary.  That would allow for logical connections to be made between places, events, objects, etc.  The question is, who will create that metadata?  Can it be automatically (of semi-automatically) generated?

By the way, for me, this is reminiscent of SixthSense, which was demoed at TED in 2009.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Metadata Ethics Opinions Around the U.S.

I had not considered the ethics of metadata until a student mentioned it in a literature review.  The American Bar Association has a web page on the topic, Metadata Ethics Opinions Around the U.S.  The page states:
While metadata is often harmless, it can potentially include sensitive, confidential, or privileged information. As such, it presents a serious concern for attorneys charged with maintaining confidentiality -- both their own and their clients. Professional responsibility committees at several bar associations around the country have weighed in on attorneys' ethical responsibilities regarding metadata, but there is no clear consensus on the major metadata issues.
The page then contains information for specific jurisdictions on:
  • What is the Sender's Duty When Transmitting Metadata?
  • May the Recipient Review or "Mine" Metadata?
  • Must the Recipient Notify Sender if Metadata is Found?
While this page deals specifically with attorney, I wonder if libraries, museums and archives have found that they need to be careful about the information that they put into metadata fields?  Do you have concerns about privacy or confidentiality when creating metadata?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Attending a library/information science program in the fall? Five things you should do now!

Artwork by Margie Hughto in iSchoolThis spring, many people are being admitted to library and information science programs and they will start school in the fall. If you are one of them, here are five things that you should do now in preparation.
  1. You are already looking at the course catalogue and thinking about what you want to take.  Go one step further and read-up on the people who are teaching those courses.  Start with the person's online biography and then delve deeper, if the person intrigues you.

    Why?  First, it can be helpful to know something about your professors before you start classes with them.  You will know more about their mindset, areas of focus, etc.  Second, you may find someone with whom you'd like to work.  Perhaps a person's area of research is exactly where you want to focus.  If you discover that now, would you take different courses?  Approach the person for a work opportunity?  Third, it makes the person more human to you.

  2. Develop a presence on Twitter and LinkedIn (if you're not already using them), and then use both tools to connect to practitioners and others students.

    Why?  This is important because our profession is using social media to make strong connections between people, to share information, and to collaborate.  You cannot wait until you graduate to jump into this community and expect to make the connections you need immediately.  Instead, you should start now by making a few (e.g., current information professionals, other LIS students) and then growing the number of connections that you have over the coming months.

    Keep in mind that just connecting is not enough.  You must be willing to share information.  Why you may not think that you have information that is worth sharing, the next item will help you address that.

  3. Read library and business literature, including hardcopy and online periodicals, and blogs.

    Why is this important?  First, because it jump starts your education.  You will already know what challenges and opportunities our institutions are facing.  You might discover a career path that you didn't know existed.  You might even find topic that you will want to study in your graduate program.  Second, you will come across information that you can share with others through Twitter, LinkedIn Groups, Facebook, Google+, etc.  Yes, information is power and information SHARED is more powerful!

    Yes, it is important to read library (information science) AND business literature.  Remember that libraries are (not for profit) businesses. In addition, libraries are part of the business community and what impacts the business community, impacts libraries (all every kind).

  4. Get familiar with more technology, including HTML, XML, mobile devices, ereaders, and online collaboration tools. While you can teach yourself the basics of HTML, XML and online collaboration tools, you can also turn to your local public library and friends for assistance.  In fact, the best way to learn a collaboration tool is with a group.  Your local public library may also have ereaders and other mobile devices that you can borrow OR offer workshops on them.  Of course, you could go to a store that sells those mobile devices and ereaders, and give them whirl there!

    Why do this?  Your LIS program will be more focused on technology than you realize (and will use more technology than you realize).  In addition, your classmates will be using a wide variety of technology when they walk on campus. Best for you to expand your technology repertoire now, so that you'll be more comfortable with what you have access to in the fall.

  5. Start a blog.

    Really?  Yes.  You need to get comfortable thinking about information profession and talking about it.  What better way than a blog?  Write about what you are reading (and even provide links or citations).  Write about what you are thinking about in terms of the profession. Ask questions and provide answers.  Consider a place to cogitate and illuminate.  Point to your blog from your social media accounts, so that others can follow what you are writing.  And once you've started your graduate program, keep your blog going by writing about your classes and what you are learning.
Yes, there are a myriad of other things you could be doing.  I suspect that if you start with these five that you'll be adding more things to this list in no time!  Along the way, you will be exposed to ideas, concepts and tools that provide a foundation for your studies in the fall.

    LIS student blog posts about digitization programs

    As my students do every year, they have blogged about digitization programs. Each student did 4 blog posts on the same program.  With 34 students in the class, that means that there are 34 different programs blogged about and 136 blog posts this semester!   Among the blog posts are thoughts on copyright and digital preservation.  Curious?  Go them!

    Wednesday, April 11, 2012

    Article: The New York Public Library Digitizes Early American History

    This digitization program at the New York Public Library will take 2 years and $1 million.  NYPL President Anthony Marx said:
    Digitizing collections featuring hand-written documents from Benjamin Franklin, George Washington and Mark Twain, among others, provides remarkable new opportunities for scholarly research, and creates new teaching applications for an international audience.
    The one collection to be digitized includes 11,000 manuscripts from the Thomas Addis Emmet Collection. The other collection contains approximately 35,000 pages from the Berg Collection. Among the items are:
    Mark Twain’s manuscripts of A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court and Following the Equator, and correspondence with such influential American icons as Andrew Carnegie, William Dean Howells, and Theodore Roosevelt
    NYPL has seen some criticism and questions in recent days and so it is good to see the library do this.

    Tuesday, April 10, 2012

    Making Stories: Libraries & Community Publishing (audio)

    Four librarians presented a session at South By Southwest (SXSW) entitled "Making Stories: Libraries & Community Publishing."  (If you're not aware, librarians have a growing presence at SXSW.)  The session was described as:
    Good libraries are community-minded, technologically-aware, devoted to increasing access to information, and interested in preserving the local cultural heritage. Good newspapers aggregate and curate information for their readers, prioritize the local population, and are the record of a place, a time, a citizenry. Both believe they must tell stories for everyone, not just themselves.

    Libraries have experience with media production, and are already a known community resource. Supporting communication within their community falls within the library’s mandate to increase access to information. Building on the “maker” ethic, how can libraries help their communities make their own news, write their own stories, publish their own histories?
    The audio from the one-hour session is online.

    If you are interested in libraries as placing for publication and creation, take a listen to Amy Buckland, Char Booth, Michael Porter and Nate Hill have to saw on the topic.

    Addendum (8:45 p.m.): The team put their slides in SlideShare.  If you want, you can view the slides, while listening to the recording.

    Thursday, April 05, 2012

    What would cause "_____" to fail?

    On Monday and Tuesday, I attended the Olin Innovation Lab, which was boutique CIO conference. In one of the session, Stephen Laster (Harvard Business School) led us in a discussion about an industry (academia) that may go through dramatic changes.  We talked about its current state, internal/external pressures, and more.  As the session wrapped up, we guessed what could trigger a dramatic change.  Our thoughts might be right and they give each of us something to use as we plan our futures.  Which leads me to this...

    What would cause your efforts, project, program, or institution to fail?  What internal or external forces could cause it?  What weaknesses exist?  Yes, you are guessing and I hope your guesses are based both on knowledge (research) and honesty. 

    Once you have a list of things that could cause a failure, make a second list of those things you can to do mitigate the failure OR survive it.  Go ahead...think creatively.

    Take both lists to your colleagues and discuss them over coffee, in the hallway, and at lunch.  This will help you make both lists more robust and accurate.  Then sit down with your staff and have a serious conversation about how to implement those things that need to be done to mitigate whatever might cause a failure as well as those things that will help your project/program/institution/efforts to thrive...maybe even thrive better than it is now. this.  It could be the most important activity that you do this month (or even this year).