Monday 9 February to Wednesday 11 February 2009 at the British Library, London
Scientists, historians, writers and IT specialists will come together to address the challenge of organising and preserving personal digital archives at the first ever Digital Lives Research Conference, which will be inaugurated by British Library Chief Executive Dame Lynne Brindley.
The conference will address (i) how libraries and archives can help all people whose lives are becoming increasingly digital -- particularly academics -- to secure, preserve and organise their personal archives of digital photographs, documents, correspondence and multimedia, for themselves and their families; and (ii) the possibility of establishing relationships with providers of online services and social systems technologies.
Topics will range from digital curation and digital preservation to the creation of personal digital archives and their use by historians, biographers and scientists.
Highlights include:
- Keynote Lectures by biographers Georgina Ferry and Andrew Lycett, psychologist Charles Fernyhough, historian Orlando Figes, and archivist Dorothy Sheridan of the Mass Observation Archive
- Invited Presentations by George Oates, member of founding team at Flickr, Simone Brunozzi of Amazon Web Services and Ian Hughes of IBM
- Keynote Presentations by computer scientists Mark Baker of University of Reading, Peter Bentley of University College London, Annamaria Carusi of University of Oxford, Jon Crowcroft of University of Cambridge, Kieron O'Hara of University of Southampton and Dave Taylor of Imperial College London.
- A Writers in Conversation session on the creation of digital archives, featuring Tony Benn, Dame Antonia Byatt and Wendy Cope, and chaired by pioneering computer scientist Dame Wendy Hall
- Day 3 of the conference will involve the participation of visitors and inhabitants of virtual world Second Life, with the conference broadcast onto the Elucian Islands , the Second Life home of Nature Publishing Group and Macmillan Publishers. There will be a keynote lecture by Timo Hannay, Publishing Director at
- A presentation on "Life at the Extremes" by polar explorer Ben Saunders
The first day of the conference will focus on the latest approaches to curating digital objects and archives. The second day will look at the development of such archives from the point of view of the creators and researchers, writers, scientists and historians. The third day will offer an overview of life online and digital archives as they are developing at present.
The conference is FREE to attend on the 9 and 11 of February, registration is required as space is limited. There is a registration fee of #35 for 10 February, but WAIVERS ARE AVAILABLE.
Please register at the Digital Lives Research Conference 2009 website:
About The Digital Lives Research Project The Digital Lives Research Project is led by the British Library and is designed to provide a major pathfinding study of personal digital archives, and is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). The project team is drawn from University College London and University of Bristol as well as the British Library itself.
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