Thursday, November 01, 2007

IL2007: The adventurous trip home (and why librarians rock)

Last night could have been a disaster, but it wasn't. Instead of getting stranded in Monterey due to flights cancellations because of fog, IL2007 attendees gathered information, made quick (informed) decisions, self-organized and worked as a team. With Casey behind the wheel, Aaron navigating, and Jessica, Maria and I crammed into the backseat with luggage that wouldn't fit into the truck, we drove 100+ miles to the airport in San Francisco and made our "connecting" flights.

If we can do that for each other, what librarians can do for you? Yup...gather information on your behalf. Synthesize and analyze it. Provide key nuggets (as well as background material) to fuel your decision-making processes. And be a part of your team.

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