Friday, November 30, 2007
Comments on JPEG2000 blog post
BTW I have been Downstate since Wednesday (i.e., New York City and Long Island). Yesterday I did an "Introduction to Second Life" workshop that had 57 participants. Today I attended the Regents Advisory Council on Libraries (RAC) meeting. RAC is a group that should be of interest to every librarian in NYS, so I'll blog about the RAC meeting later. (And yes, the topic of digitization did come up.)
Technorati tag: JPEG2000
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Quick thought about JPEG2000
Reading the technical details about the standard takes me back to my days in IT, when I would spend hours reading about something technical, then run a few "experiment" in hopes of mastering it (or more likely fix a problem that had been tossed my way). What I need are the "Clif Notes" or the quick whiteboard session with Scotty from Star Trek to cut through and tell me what I really need/want to know about JPEG2000. (Or maybe I need the "Easy Button" from Staples.)
Here's what I do know about JPEG2000:
- It should have been named something different because comparing it to the JPEG we know and love doesn't do it justice.
- It is more versatile that I suspect most people realize.
- It is should not be feared.
- We should be using it.
- The software for using/creating JPEG2000 needs to be more widely available/known.
- Library consortia (and others) should be offering mini-workshops on JPEG2000 to help people feel comfortable with it and use it.
- It needs someone to do something really, really cool with it in order for people to stand up and take notice (and adopt it).
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Monday, November 26, 2007
Blog post & Photos: Display cases on photo digitization
Has anybody else created a display of some sort in order to inform your users about what you are doing?
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Blog post: Commercialising Digitised Content & Interface Design
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Friday, November 23, 2007
Two interesting quotes from if:book
The supposed universal library, then, will be not a seamless mass of books, easily linked and studied together, but a patchwork of interfaces and databases, some open to anyone with a computer and WiFi, others closed to those without access or money. The real challenge now is how to chart the tectonic plates of information that are crashing into one another and then to learn to navigate the new landscapes they are creating. Over time, as more of this material emerges from copyright protection, we’ll be able to learn things about our culture that we could never have known previously. Soon, the present will become overwhelmingly accessible, but a great deal of older material may never coalesce into a single database. Neither Google nor anyone else will fuse the proprietary databases of early books and the local systems created by individual archives into one accessible store of information. Though the distant past will be more available, in a technical sense, than ever before, once it is captured and preserved as a vast, disjointed mosaic it may recede ever more rapidly from our collective attention.And this from an earlier post in if:book:
We are in the midst of a historic "upload," a frenetic rush to transfer the vast wealth of analog culture to the digital domain. Mass digitization of print, images, sound and film/video proceeds apace through the efforts of actors public and private, and yet it is still barely understood how the media of the past ought to be preserved, presented and interconnected for the future. How might we bring the records of our culture with us in ways that respect the originals but also take advantage of new media technologies to enhance and reinvent them?Good food for thought...
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Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Looking ahead (December & 2008)
Between now and the end of the year, I'll be giving three workshops/presentations on social networking tools for Suffolk Cooperative Library System (Nov. 29), SUNY Cortland (Dec. 4) and the Rochester Regional Library Council (Dec. 11). (See calendar in the left column for details and links). I'll also be giving a presentation at E-Info Global Symposium (Dec. 7) in Huntsville, AL on "Trends in eRepositories." This is a one-day conference with speakers come from across the U.S. and Canada.
My talk at E-Info will be on institutional repositories in a broader sense than we might think about them. eRepositories are a potential rich source of information, data, images, research, background info, unpublished materials, and cultural materials. Since they are digital, they must be more proactive in being good stewards of the information they contain. They are the archives that will house the information we'll want in the future, and we need to ensure that we build them well.
Events are already on my schedule for 2008, with several others likely to fall into place soon. (See calendar on the left side of this blog.) Among them is an event on January 16 where I'll talk about "Privacy & Security in Our Online, Networked World." I talk about privacy both in my digitization and social networking workshops, and security is always a concern when talking about social networking. At this event, I'll be able to talk about these issues with members of the financial community.
For more information on any of the events on my calendar, please contact the sponsoring organization or me. If you would me to speak at your event, give me a shout.
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Yale, Microsoft & Kirtas...and a short rant
The article states that there will be (or is) a non-disclosure agreement, so the financial details will be unknown, however, generally Microsoft and Google subsidize the cost of the digitization either in its entirety or in part.
And who is actually doing the digitization? Kirtas, the creator/manufacturer of a high-speed automated book scanner. Kirtas has an "in-house service bureau that employs more than 75 image technicians and operates three shifts- has mastered a proprietary digitization process that guarantees an overall error rate lower than one per 10,000 pages, ensuring quality mass digitization that will meet the highest standards and endure the test of time."
[rant] I continue to find these (Google, Microsoft, OCA) projects to be fascinating to watch for a variety of reasons. However, I also find it sad to think of the non-book content that should be digitized that is not. There are many cultural heritage organizations that need to begin to digitize, but that can't find funding to get them started. Yes, they should collaborate, but do they have what other collaborators would want? They have content, but not money and maybe not manpower. I also know of libraries in the U.S. that have not yet automated their catalogues. I know that digitization is different than retrospective conversion, but...well...I guess respective conversions aren't sexy at this point. Okay...I'll get off my soapbox. [/rant]
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Article: High-tech scanner to digitize UNC's rare books
The University's $100,000 one-year contract with the Internet Archive includes the Scribe scanner and an operator.What will be digitized?
During the year, the Internet Archive will scan 22,000 Spanish-language dramas, 1,200 American and British travel accounts and a century of "Yackety Yack" yearbook.
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Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Digitizing records and tapes: will some projects do this instead of using a professional service?
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Article: French digital library project protects copyright: official
While Google has been criticized for possibly violated copyright in digitization program, the French National Library (Bibliothèque nationale de France) has made it a point not to violate copyright. In a press release last week, the library announced that it and the French Publishers' Association are "drawing up economic and legal guidelines enabling the release of online editions to the public. The plan, to be unveiled next March, calls for free access to works described as part of the national heritage and payment for access to works under copyright."
In the last decade, the library...has collected 10 billion documents online, and is currently scanning the pages of 300,000 books into digital format as part of a plan to set up a European virtual library.
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Monday, November 19, 2007
Blog post: Options, Embargoes, and Exemptions in Commercial Microfilm Publishing
- ROFOs and ROFRs
- Cannibalization
- Embargoes & Exemptions
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Saturday, November 17, 2007
Video: Helen Tibbo talking about digital curation and institutional repositories
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Event: ALCTS Metadata and Digital Library Development Workshop, Jan. 9 - 10, 2008
ALCTS Metadata and Digital Library Development Workshop
January 9-10, 2008 in Philadelphia, PA
Advance registration ends November 30th
Metadata and Digital Library Development, an ALCTS/Library of Congress Workshop
In an applied, exercise-based context, this two-day workshop introduces practicing catalogers to metadata implementation considerations and processes in a digital library development context. This workshop prepares attendees to serve as metadata specialists in digital library projects.
Session 1: Introduction To Digital Library System Objectives, Functionality, And Metadata
Session 2: Understanding Functional Requirements
Session 3: Metadata And Functionality
Session 4: Metadata Conversion: Enhancement And Mapping
Session 5: Metadata Workflows
Session 6: Digital Library Development Project Exercise
- Barrie Howard, Digital Library Federation, Washington, DC
- Jennifer Lang, Princeton University Library, Princeton, NJ
If the session fills up before you have a chance to register, we'll consider repeating the workshop at a later date.
To learn more about this event or to register, see the ALCTS Web site at: or contact Julie Reese, ALCTS Education & Meetings, at 50 E Huron; Chicago, IL 60611; (800) 545-2433 ext. 5034; or
ALCTS is a division of the American Library Association.
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Friday, November 16, 2007
Are we engaging in overkill?
Thinking of the software we're investing in to house our digital assets and metadata, are we spending too much money on it? Are we investing in software that either does too much or doesn't do what we need? Are we jumping on software "bandwagons" because others have jumped on and we think we should follow them? Both people pointed to the same piece of software when talking about this. It's expensive with good features, and a lot of programs are using it. (You get three guesses and the first two don't count.) The problem is that there are programs using this software that really don't need it, but are taking the easy route (for a variety of reasons, I'm sure) and going along with the decision others have made.
As we play follow-the-leader, we're ignoring lots of software including open source options. One open source option that you likely have not seen is Scriblio, which is a project of Plymouth State University. One digitization project that has used Scriblio is Beyond Brown Paper. (I'm only mentioning this to make you aware that it exists.)
Now I must be honest and tell you that I actually do tell people to consider the software that others in their region are using, because they will have people nearby that they can be supportive. However, it concerns me that programs may be jumping over the product evaluation stage and making a decision based on the bandwagon.
As for our metadata, the question that arose today was "who is all of this metadata for"? Do our users need it? (Yes, a librarian asked this question.) My answer what that we're creating robust metadata for the future. We keeping information that may not be important today, but may come in handy in the future (like information on how the materials were converted). It could be many years before we really know if we've created too little or too much metadata for specific programs.
Do our users need all of the metadata we're creating? No, but I'm not sure that is a reason to create less. Rather perhaps we should show our users less metadata as the default.
BTW I'm not a "cataloguing" librarian, so maybe someone from a cataloguing/metadata background can convince me that the time, effort and expense of creating robust metadata is always worth it.
Am I nuts for admitting that these conversations occur? Hopefully not, but I'll let you decide.
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Thursday, November 15, 2007
New book scanner from Atiz geared towards consumers
BTW This is obviously a manual book scanner. Looks like the cameras are not included. The camera used would impact the quality of the digital images.
First Consumer Book “Ripper” Is Now Available From Atiz Innovation
With a price of $1,595—compared to commercially focused products that cost upwards of $20,000—and the ability to digitize books at rate of 500 pages per hour, the BookSnap is set to transf
Just as the MP3 became the foundation f
“We designed the BookSnap f
o Quantity – You don’t have to waste days just to scan a single book. BookSnap digitizes books at a rate of 500 pages per hour, making the scanning process much faster than traditional scanners.
o Quality – The flat images generated by BookSnap look much better than the curled pages generated by flatbed
o Spread the w
Featuring a V-shaped book cradle, BookSnap allows f
A complete software package is included with BookSnap and completely automates the ripping process, making it as simple as the push of a button. In addition, the BookSnap Edit
Pricing & Compatibility
The price of BookSnap is $1,595. It is compatible with various models of Canon digital cameras on the market today including Canon Powershot G7, Canon Powershot A640, Canon Powershot A620, Canon Powershot S80, and Canon Powershot S3 IS. BookSnap is available now at
“Recently, there has been a lot of candid discussion about the eff
BookSnap is available now at
“Think of the implications,” continued Warnock. “People around the w
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Wednesday, November 14, 2007
iPRES 2007 presentations are online
Event: Digital Futures: from digitization to delivery 7th - 11th April 2008, London, UK.
King's College London is pleased to announce the Digital Futures 5-day training event for 2008.
Led by experts of international renown, Digital Futures focuses on the development, delivery and preservation of digital resources from cultural and memory institutions. Lasting five days, Digital Futures is aimed at managers and other practitioners from the library, museum, heritage and cultural sectors looking to understand the strategic and management issues of developing digital resources from digitisation to delivery.
Digital Futures will cover the following core areas:
- Planning and management
- Fund raising and sustainability
- Copyright and IPR
- Visual and image based resource development and delivery
- Metadata - introduction and implementation
- Implementing digital resources
- Digital preservation
There will be visits to 2 institutions, which had previously included the National Gallery, the National Archives and the Imperial War Museum.
The agenda is here:
Digital Futures aims for no more than 25-30 delegates and every delegate will have the opportunity to also spend one-to-one time with a Digital Futures leader to discuss issues specific to them.
Digital Futures will issue a certificate of achievement to each delegate.
The Digital Futures leaders are:
Simon Tanner - Director of King's Digital Consultancy Services, King's College London
Tom Clareson - Program Director for New Initiatives, PALINET.
Other experts will be invited to speak in their areas of expertise.
What past delegates say about Digital Futures:
- "Excellent - I would recommend DF to anyone anticipating a digitization program"
- "I was very pleased. The team was exceptionally knowledgeable, friendly and personable."
- "Excellent, informative and enjoyable. Thank you."
- "Thanks, it has been an invaluable experience."
- "A really useful course and great fun too!"
Cost: £770 (VAT not charged, excludes accommodation)
Venue: King's College London, London
Dates: 7th - 11th April 2008
To register, go here:
The Digital Futures is run by King's Digital Consultancy Services and the Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London working in co-operation with PALINET, USA.
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Monday, November 12, 2007
Blog post: How open is the Open Content Alliance?
By the way, Peter Hirtle states that he is working on a "manual on copyright and digitization for cultural heritage institutions." I, for one, can't wait to see that!
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Sunday, November 11, 2007
Book: Made to Stick

Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die
S -- Simple
U -- Unexpected
C -- Concrete
C -- Credible
E -- Emotional
S -- Stories
Two things you can do without even reading the book are:
- Use the word "you" in your writings. Many of us write in third-person neutral, but it turns out that making the reader think we're writing for them helps them connect with our text. For example:
- You will find on this web site...
- We can help you research...
- By using the advanced search feature, you...
- Tell stories. Now once you read the book, you'll realize that you need to tell simple, unexpected, concrete, credible, emotional stories! However, we tend to spout facts and figures, when people actually react better to stories. So find stories about your projects that you can tell, especially stories that tell how your project can help people.
If you want to learn about the entire formula, borrow the book from your library, borrow it from a friend, or order a copy. It is an easy and enjoyable read, with lots of stories and ideas you can begin to employ.
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Updated "Copyright Term and the Public Domain in the United States"
In an email message to the Digital-Copyright discussion list, Peter Hirtle said:
The biggest change is that, at the request of a user, two new sections have been added. The first is on published and unpublished sound recordings, and the second is on architectural works. Other small changes have been made to clarify some of the problems other readers have identified. In order to facilitate printing, a PDF version of the file is available as well.The URL for this page is the same as before, so you do not have to update your links. However, if you have a printed a copy, you'll need to replace it with this updated version.
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Friday, November 09, 2007
Future Reading: Digitization and its discontent
In fact, the Internet will not bring us a universal library, much less an encyclopedic record of human experience. None of the firms now engaged in digitization projects claim that it will create anything of the kind. The hype and rhetoric make it hard to grasp what Google and Microsoft and their partner libraries are actually doing. We have clearly reached a new point in the history of text production. On many fronts, traditional periodicals and books are making way for blogs and other electronic formats. But magazines and books still sell a lot of copies. The rush to digitize the written record is one of a number of critical moments in the long saga of our drive to accumulate, store, and retrieve information efficiently. It will result not in the infotopia that the prophets conjure up but in one in a long series of new information ecologies, all of them challenging, in which readers, writers, and producers of text have learned to survive.And on page 3:
Poverty, in other words, is embodied in lack of print as well as in lack of food. The Internet will do much to redress this imbalance, by providing Western books for non-Western readers. What it will do for non-Western books is less clear.Go that last blurb again.
We're digitizing materials from rich nations. What about the materials created by poor, less technically advanced nations and cultures? The World Digital Library is digitizing materials from around the world, but others need to join in to ensure that our digital collection is skewed to one area of the world or to a specific socio-economic class.
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Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Congrats to Kenny Crews!
This week news has circulated that Kenneth D. Crews, J.D., M.L.S., Ph.D. has been appointed Director of Columbia University Libraries’ new Copyright Advisory Office, starting in January 2008. He is currently the "Samuel R. Rosen II Professor in the Indiana University School of Law-Indianapolis and in the IU School of Library and Information Science. He is also Associate Dean of the Faculties for Copyright Management, and in that capacity he directs the Copyright Management Center based at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)." In 2005, Crews was the first recipient of the "L. Ray Patterson Award: In Support of Users' Rights" given by the American Library Association's (ALA) Office for Information Technology Policy (OITP) Copyright Advisory Committee.
Congratulations to Kenny Crews!
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Copyright handout from today's workshop
The two-page handout I used with this workshop is here. In addition, I gave them these resources:
- Creative Commons
- ALA's Copyright Advisory Network
- AALL Model Law Firm Copyright Policy
- Additional reading on Deed of Gift forms
- Deed of Gift forms (2004)
- Why is this item important? (A personal deed of gift experience, part 2)
(2005) [This is about building context as part of the Deed of Gift]
One of the questions I asked today was about notices the libraries have on their photocopiers. Some didn't have notices on all of their copiers. The AALL Model Library page proposes this text:
The U.S. Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17 U.S. Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. The person using this equipment is liable for any infringement.I wish I could recount all of the questions asked today! What the questions clearly demonstrated is that library staff members do have legitimate copyright questions, but don't know who to ask...and so they don't ask them. Most of the questions didn't have quick answers (copyright questions rarely do) and I think they appreciated hearing the the thought process that goes into trying to answer them.
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Monday, November 05, 2007
Results of a metadata survey
She notes that the MS Word file is easier to read, but that the spreadsheet allows you to see what each responder said. She did strip out all identifying information.
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Mekel Mach IV microfilm scanner at NNYLN
More information is available here.
By the way, photos of digitization labs are useful to organizations that are thinking of building one. The photos help people to understand the type of space and environment that is needed.
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Friday, November 02, 2007
Press Release: Library of Congress Collaborates with Xerox to Test Format for Digitally Preserving, Accessing Treasured Images
studying the potential of using the JPEG 2000 format in large repositories of digital cultural heritage materials such as those contained in the Library and other federal agencies. The eventual outcome may be the creation of leaner, faster systems that institutions around the country can use to store their riches and to make their collections widely accessible.Later the press release states:
The images to be used from the Library's collection are already digitized (primarily in TIFF format), but JPEG 2000, a newer format for representing and compressing images, could make them easier to store, transfer and display. According to Michael Stelmach, manager of Digital Conversion Services in the Library's Office of Strategic Initiatives, JPEG 2000 holds promise in the areas of visual presentation, simplified file management and decreased storage costs. It offers rich and flexible support for metadata, which can describe the image and provide information on the provenance, intellectual property and technical data relating to the image itself.This is very good news since it will help members of the cultural heritage community (libraries, archives, etc.) understand the JPEG 2000 format.
Xerox scientists will develop the parameters for converting existing TIFF files to JPEG 2000 and will build and test the system, then turn over the specifications and best practices to the Library of Congress. The specific outcome will be development of JPEG 2000 profiles, which describe how to most effectively use JPEG 2000 to represent photographic content as well as content digitized from maps. The Library plans to make the results available on a public Web site.
By the way, it is a shame that the format was named "JPEG 2000", since it is different than the JPEG format we all now and the "2000" puts a date stamp on the format that we won't appreciate in a few years. It is abbreviated J2K or JP2, and maybe in time we'll just use one of those abbreviations so that the reputation of JPEG isn't attached to JPEG 2000.
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IL2007: Searching, Metadata, and my final post about the conference
- Google 2.0: Google Universal Search
- Ask Relaunches: Now "Ask 3D"
- Microsoft Introduces New Live Search Index, Adds Features In Effort To Close 'Relevancy Gap' And Improve User Experience
- The Promise & Reality Of Mixing The Social Graph With Search Engines
And people are trying other types of search like:
- Mahalo, "the world's first human-powered search engine"
- Search Wikia
Advantages of folksonomies and tagging:
- Simple
- Lower cost of categorization
- Open ended - can respond quickly to changes
- Relevance - user's own terms
- Support serendipitous form of browsing
- East to tag any type of object
- Better than nothing
- Gets people excited about metadata
- Don't work well for finding info
- No structure, no conceptual relationships
- Issues of scale
- Limited applicability
- Too personal or too popular
- It's a skill
- Too many word/phrase variations
What I learned was that we're fickle and incomplete taggers. We generally use a few terms, but we should use more (broader as well as more specific terms). We need to be more consistent in our terms, although that is difficult not only for one person but also for a group. If the sites can make tagging easier (offer suggestions, related words, etc.), then maybe we can do better.
I entered the session thinking I was good at tagging and left the session realizing what a horrible tagger I am!
in the in the Conference Center. We all appreciated it. Really...can you have a conference without The conference spaces were good, but there was only free wifiMonterey Conference Center and not in the Marriott. Thanks to Information Today for getting us access to the wifiwifi? No. (ITI...I don't know what hassles or cost it took to get us wireless, but thank you!)
All of the sessions were excellent save one (great odds) and I came away with lots of useful information. I also came away with new friends and colleagues. And that is always good.
In 2008, Internet Librarian will be on Oct. 20 - 22 in Monterey. If you can get there, go. If you can't get to IL2008, then try to head to Computers in Libraries (CIL) in Crystal City, VA, April 7 - 9, 2008. CIL and IL are different yet similar in content, with CIL being a larger conference (1500 vs. 2300).
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Canadian Digital Information Strategy : draft for comment
The objectives and proposed actions outlined briefly in the executive summary are:
I like that they are thinking about those three areas, since each needs the other.Toward strengthening digital content:
- mass digitization on a national scale
- a conducive digital production environment
- improved digital production practices
- diversity in digital content production
Toward ensuring digital preservation:
- selection and capture of digital content for long-term retention
- distributed digital preservation repository network
- preservation-related research
- new workplace skills
- increased public awareness of digital preservation issues
Toward maximizing digital access:
- mechanisms for democratic, ubiquitous and equitable access
- seamless access and global visibility
- more open access to public sector information and data
- effective communication and management of copyright
- increased user research
For more information, you can read the (or skim) the 63-page document.
Annonce bilingue / Bilingual announcement (English follows)
Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer que l’ébauche de la Stratégie canadienne sur l’information numérique a été publiée afin d’être soumise à l'évaluation du public. Cette stratégie est le fruit d’une série de réunions qui ont eu lieu partout au pays en 2005 et en 2006, et auxquelles ont participé des représentants gouvernementaux, des producteurs et des utilisateurs de contenu numérique. Au cours des débats, plus de 200 organismes sont intervenus afin de faire valoir leurs idées et leurs commentaires, et près d’une centaine de penseurs parmi les plus influents provenant de tous les domaines du milieu de l’information ont pris part à un sommet national en décembre 2006.
Un comité de 24 membres a puisé dans ces contributions pour élaborer une stratégie nationale. Celle-ci répond à certains enjeux importants liées à accès, à la conservation et à la production de l'information numérique, et elle propose diverses mesures destinées à renforcer le milieu de l’information numérique au Canada.
Le comité recevra les commentaires du public sur l'ébauche de cette stratégie à compter du 23 novembre 2007. Pour télécharger le document de la Stratégie canadienne sur l’information numérique, et pour nous faire part de vos commentaires, veuillez vous rendre à l'adresse suivante:
Sean Berrigan, Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
Gérard Boismenu, Université de Montréal
Coprésidents du comité d’élaboration de la Stratégie canadienne sur l’information numérique
Building on this rich set of input, the strategy has been drafted by a 24 member development committee. It addresses some of the critical issues in digital information production, preservation and access, and proposes a range of actions to strengthen the Canadian digital information environment.
The Committee welcomes public comment on the draft strategy by November 23rd 2007. Please visit to download the strategy document and to provide comments.
Sean Berrigan, Library and Archives Canada
Gérard Boismenu, Université de Montréal
Co-chairs, Canadian Digital Information Strategy Development Committee
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Thursday, November 01, 2007
IL2007: The adventurous trip home (and why librarians rock)
If we can do that for each other, what librarians can do for you? Yup...gather information on your behalf. Synthesize and analyze it. Provide key nuggets (as well as background material) to fuel your decision-making processes. And be a part of your team.
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